A child and an Israeli woman bid farewell to Qassam members the moment they were released (social media)

A little girl with a long braid and elegant clothes, overwhelmed with joy and never stops smiling and waving at a heavily armed man, and as happy as she seems at the present moment, she is keen to take all the remaining time to express satisfaction and gratitude.

Such feelings are very normal from a child to a soldier from her homeland who killed her from the hands of a criminal or saved her from certain death in a serious traffic accident.

But the smiling little girl is only the daughter of this heavily armed man's first enemy, raining bombs on him, withholding food and medicine and beating him under siege for years.

Hence, Al Jazeera Net tells the story of the human resistance, which the world does not want to see or tell, so as not to contradict what the West is currently colluding with from stigmatizing Hamas as terrorism.

In the second round of a partial prisoner exchange deal between Israel and the Palestinian resistance, Hamas released 13 Israeli women and children, while Israel released 39 Palestinian women and children.

An exceptional farewell in the absence of hatred and revenge

During the handing over of the Israeli prisoners to the Red Cross, members of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades appeared to pat children and accompany the elderly, in a clear distinction between the image of the Palestinian resistance with great strength in the field, and his image as a human being who is kind to the weak and the small and respects laws and charters.

In front of the cameras, the released prisoners appeared in good health and wearing tidy clothes, and girls and women were seen smiling at the resistance men and waving friendliness and courtship at them.

The two sides exchanged cordiality during the farewell, and a Qassam officer appeared holding an elderly woman as if she were his grandmother until he sat her in a chair inside a car, and accompanied by a young child dressed in bright clothes as if pouring on him the tenderness of fatherhood.

It was not possible to claim that these prisoners were subjected to cruel treatment either psychologically or physically, and Israel therefore admitted that they all returned in good health and in normal psychological conditions.

The Wolfson and Schneider hospitals in Tel Aviv said they had received a group of prisoners released by Hamas and that they were all in good health.

Shock on the other side

However, Israeli voices have been narrowed by the intense humanitarian image coming from Gaza, which is expected to take revenge and hatred in the face of the Israeli aggression that lasted 48 days and led to the death of about 15,<> martyrs, mostly women and children, in addition to the destruction of the health sector and various vital facilities and the displacement and starvation of the population.

Some Israeli media outlets reported that Hamas asked the released prisoners to show friendliness to their members and wave to them, turning the occasion into a propaganda film.

Israeli activists refused to publish videos of Hamas's handover of the prisoners, saying they were not convinced by what they called the horrific propaganda produced by Hamas.

However, the talk of those released after their arrival in Israel revealed that the handover clips were not a propaganda act, but rather a reflection of the good treatment they received from the time they were taken to Gaza on October 7, until the moment of their release.

In an interview with the Jerusalem Post, Israeli Adriana recounted that her grandmother, Jaffa, had returned from Gaza "beautiful and bright" and in good health.

In another testimony, a relative told one of the captives, "Fortunately, they were not subjected to any unpleasant experiences during their captivity, but were treated humanely. Contrary to our fears, they did not face the horrific stories we imagined. They were watching radio and television, where they heard the news from Israel."

A few weeks ago, an Israeli prisoner released by Hamas spoke of good treatment, saying, "They were friendly to us and treated a man who was badly injured in a bicycle accident. There was a nurse who took care of him and gave him medicines and antibiotics."

"They were friendly, kept the place clean and we ate together. When we arrived, they said they were Muslims who believed in the Qur'an and would not harm us. They were very generous and that has to be said."

Indeed, knights who believe in the Qur'an thicken their enemy on the battlefields while at the same time sympathizing with children and women and "feeding food on his love as a poor, orphaned and captive."

Different testimonies. The law of beating and humiliation

On the other hand, the freed Palestinian prisoners spoke of being subjected to ill-treatment in Israeli prisons, including kicking, beatings, and deprivation of sleep, food and medicine.

From the first moment of her arrest 3 months ago in occupied Jerusalem, the liberated prisoner Fatima Amarna was severely beaten by Israeli soldiers, according to her interview with Al Jazeera Net.

In a snarling voice, Amarna spoke of the circumstances of the interrogation, which ranged from severe beatings to threats of family arrest and rape.

Maysoon al-Jabali, the oldest female prisoner in Israeli prisons, said that the occupation authorities withdrew everything from the prisoners after October 7, and suppressed them with solitary confinement, beatings and spraying with gas.

According to Jebali's testimony, the prison administration provided scarce food to 80 female prisoners, barely enough for less than 10.

Israa Jaabis cannot erase from her memory on October 11, 2015, when a gas cylinder she had in her car accidentally exploded dozens of meters from an Israeli military checkpoint between Jerusalem and Jericho.

As a result of this explosion, burns destroyed 60% of her body, but the occupation said that she deliberately blew herself up at the checkpoint and arrested her, and did not embrace freedom before midnight last night.

"The prisoners left the children crying, because they were subjected to many violations in prison, and these practices intensified after the seventh of last October," Jaabis said.

The released Palestinian child prisoners also spoke of being beaten and starved, and deliberately humiliated and humiliated by the occupation even at the moment of their release.

From occupation to flood and aggression

It is noteworthy that Israel was established on Arab land occupied in 1948, annexed Jerusalem and the West Bank in 1967, and continued throughout its 75 years to kill and arrest Palestinians, expand settlement activity in the West Bank, launch military operations on Gaza and attack Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem.

On the seventh of last October, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), and other Palestinian resistance factions launched Operation Al-Aqsa Flood against the Israeli occupation, killing more than 1400,<> Israelis so far.

The Palestinian resistance also captured more than 200 Israelis and announced that it wanted to exchange them for more than 6,<> Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons.

For its part, Israel launched for 48 days a brutal aggression on Gaza, bombing homes, schools, hospitals and mosques, killing about 15,36 Palestinians, mostly women and children, in addition to injuring 7,<>, missing <>,<>, destroying entire neighborhoods and displacing most of the population.

During the aggression, Israel carried out a ground incursion into Gaza that lasted for about a month with the aim of recovering its prisoners and eliminating Hamas, but did not free any of the prisoners, while the resistance continued to pound Israeli cities with rockets.

After heavy losses in lives and equipment, Israel agreed to enter into a temporary truce with Hamas, including the implementation of a partial prisoner exchange deal, by Qatar and with the support of Egypt and the United States.

Source : Al Jazeera