Al-Qassam Brigades handed over 13 Israeli detainees in the second batch of prisoner exchange deal (social media)

JERUSALEM – The Israeli narrative that Hamas deliberately takes hostages in deplorable conditions, assaults them and tortures them has long been promoted, but this narrative has been dealt a new blow by the content of the recording of the Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, of the handover of the second batch of Israeli detainees in the Gaza Strip.

The recording, which lasted only one minute and 11 seconds, included the handing over of Israeli detained children and women by the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades to the ICRC team, silencing the Israeli narrative that no longer fools even Israeli society itself, which has been reluctant to be dragged behind it.

With the handover of the third batch of detainees, the Israeli public stopped repeating the alleged narrative of Benjamin Netanyahu's government about Hamas's treatment of detainees, while incitement against Hamas in the Israeli media subsided.

Israeli detainee release dominates Israeli media (Al Jazeera)

Farewell greeting

The Qassam footage imposed its agenda, and even dominated the discourse in the Israeli media, with scenes of the Qassam officers' friendly treatment of the detainees, who appeared smiling, in excellent health, and in high spirits.

The exchange of the words "goodbye" in Hebrew between a Qassam member and some detainees left no doubt that the claims of the Israeli narrative are a figment of the imagination and are part of propaganda to distort the Palestinian narrative globally.

Greetings and farewells, waving hands at detained women and children, unartificial smiles, and actions that lacked any manifestations of fear and confusion, even while they were in a Red Cross vehicle, all framed the scenes of their detention conditions and reflected the real scenes of the treatment they received.

Hiding the truth

These scenes, behaviors, attitudes and friendly treatment of Israeli detainees embarrassed the Israeli media, which no longer has any way to hide the truth, so the Israeli media devoted its contents to the released detainees and their return to their families, in family scenes topped with smiles and feelings of joy, especially by the released detainees.

Referring to the undermining of the Israeli narrative about Hamas's treatment of Israeli and foreign detainees, even among world public opinion and the international community, Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, after describing Emily, an Israeli with Irish citizenship who was held by Hamas, as "missing" and not "kidnapped" in the Gaza Strip, wrote.

The correspondent of the newspaper "Die Marker" explained that what the Irish prime minister wrote reflects the decline of the Israeli narrative against the spread of the Palestinian narrative, but the content of his tweet reflects the world's hostility to the Israeli narrative, which comes to inflame the joy and excitement of the released detainees and their families, and says, "Many of them are worried and longing for those who remained in captivity with Hamas."

"Breathe a sigh of relief" report in the newspaper "Yedioth Ahronoth" after the completion of the second phase of the exchange deal (Al Jazeera)


In an attempt to reduce the penetration of the Palestinian narrative regarding Hamas's treatment of detainees into the collective memory of Israelis, the military censorship continues to prohibit the publication of any interviews and statements by released Israeli women and children about the health care, good treatment and humane care provided to them by Qassam operatives during their captivity.

The results of reports and medical examinations in Israeli hospitals regarding the state of health of the released detainees reinforced the Palestinian narrative that the Qassam fighters treated Israeli detainees humanely, that they were not intimidated and tortured, that they were treated with kindness and without cruelty and that they received good health care.

According to the website of the newspaper "Yedioth Ahronoth", 12 of the released detainees spent last night out of 13 next to their families in the Israeli "Sheba" hospital in "Tel Hashomer", and underwent comprehensive examinations, after 50 days spent in captivity in the Gaza Strip.

The director of the Safra Children's Hospital in Sheba, Prof. Itay Pisach, said in a statement carried by Israeli media, "It is a long and very moving night, in which the team had the honor of leading the national mission to care for our children and brothers who returned from Hamas families."

"Although the days of captivity seemed clear to them, none of them need urgent and immediate intervention for any treatment, we will continue to support them physically and psychologically," the Israeli professor added.

He explained that all the women and children who were returned are in good health and do not need medical supervision, with the exception of a woman who was treated at Soroka Hospital in Beersheba, where her condition was described as moderate due to chronic diseases.

Yedioth Ahronoth: Foreign detainees released and 200 Israelis estimated to remain hostage in the Gaza Strip (Al Jazeera)

Treated well

Yedioth Ahronoth devoted its front pages to a photo of 9-year-old Emily Aloni, who was detained with her mother Daniel, in the arms of her grandmother, looking healthy and with a smile that lacked the features of fear, reinforcing the Palestinian narrative that Israeli and foreign detainees were humanely cared for and treated well.

Under the headline "We embrace them," the newspaper, which is considered one of the largest newspapers in Israel, devoted its pages and reports to released detainees and their reunification, and estimated that about 200 Israelis are still detained in Gaza, saying, "The entire State of Israel prays and prays for their safety and return."

The newspaper quoted some relatives of the released detainees as saying that they "received good treatment, medical care and humane treatment during the period of captivity, and stressed that they were not tortured or abused by Hamas, as they were constantly transferred from one place to another."

A picture is worth a thousand words

The same editorial line was adopted by Haaretz newspaper in dealing with the file of detainees who were released in the first and second batches, and highlighted the humanitarian aspect of the case and the released detainees, referring to their access to good care and treatment without stories of fear and allegations of torture or ill-treatment.

The newspaper recalled the account of the elderly Israeli Yochabad Lifshitz, who was released last October, and said at the time in a narrative that was shocking and surprising to the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "They treated us with affection and care and provided us with food, medicine and treatment."

Under military censorship by prohibiting statements or interviews with released detainees, the newspaper has unusually chosen to publish large-scale photographs of released women and children.

The newspaper gave wide spaces in the internal pages of reports calling for the liberation of all detainees and family reunification, as well as space for pictures of those released in the arms of their families, in a hint that "a picture sings a thousand words."

Source : Al Jazeera