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Video duration 02 minutes 55 seconds 02:55

International newspapers and news websites covered the repercussions of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip and the temporary humanitarian truce, which entered its third day, amid expectations that it could be extended.

Columnist David Ignatius said in the Washington Post that Israel will find itself in a difficult situation after the truce, noting that on the ground there will be a perilous battlefield, while diplomatically it will face considerable pressure to extend the truce.

An Israeli official said the Gaza tunnel network was more complex than expected, and another added that the destruction of Hamas would be a headache.

Michael Clark, a professor of military studies at King's College London, said Israel had lost control of the war 50 days after it was launched.

He added that Israel's handling of the prisoner crisis indicated that it was at risk of losing the war, and that Hamas was skilled and capable of maneuvering.

For its part, Libération touched on what it called winds of hope that have blown from Gaza over the past two days, with the exchange of prisoners and detainees between Israel and Hamas.

The newspaper saw this atmosphere as sufficient reason to extend the truce beyond the agreed four days, considering that the inclusion of foreign detainees in the exchange free of charge is another sign of good intentions.

Ghada Aqeel, a visiting professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Alberta, said, "While the world abandoned Gaza, Palestinian doctors became our heroes and symbols of strength, poise and hope."

"Gaza's doctors, with their words and through their actions, teach us never to forget, and most importantly not to give up."

On developments in the occupied West Bank, Haaretz pointed to the city of Tulkarm and said that it has become a hotspot after Israeli forces have killed more than 40 of its residents since the beginning of the war on Gaza.

The prevailing feeling is that the Israeli army is also using the war to oppress Palestinians more than usual, the newspaper said, adding that support for Hamas in the city has risen significantly since the war began.

The Wall Street Journal focused on concerns raised by the war in Gaza about religious discrimination in America that have led to new divisions among American voters that could affect next year's presidential election.

An equal proportion of Americans believe Jews and Muslims face discrimination, but more Democrats and young people say Muslims suffer more discrimination, the poll showed.

Source : Al Jazeera