, November 11 According to the Chinese government website, the General Office of the State Council recently forwarded the National Development and Reform Commission's "Implementation Plan for the Construction of Embedded Service Facilities in Urban Communities" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). The plan clearly states that the implementation scope of the construction project of embedded service facilities in urban communities covers all kinds of cities, and priority is given to promoting the construction in large cities with a permanent population of more than 26 million people. Comprehensively considering factors such as population distribution, work foundation, and financial resources, about 100 cities were selected to carry out pilot projects, and about 50 communities were selected in each pilot city as pilot projects for the construction of community embedded service facilities.

By 2027, on the basis of summarizing the experience and practices and effective construction models formed by the pilot, it will be rolled out to other types of cities and more communities in a steady and orderly manner, and gradually realize that residents can enjoy high-quality and inclusive public services nearby.

The plan points out that the community is the basic unit of urban public services and urban governance, and the implementation of the construction project of embedded service facilities in urban communities and the embedding of functional facilities and adaptive services in the public space of urban communities (communities) is conducive to promoting high-quality and inclusive public services at the grassroots level and into the community, and better meeting the people's yearning for a better life.

The plan puts forward 7 standard construction requirements for the construction of embedded service facilities in urban communities:

The first is to scientifically plan and rationally lay out community service facilities. According to the urban population distribution and structural changes, focusing on the education of the young, learning and teaching, income from labor, medical treatment for the sick, support for the elderly, housing and support for the weak, focusing on the service needs of community residents within walking distance, optimizing the planning and layout of facilities, improving the community service system, putting more resources, services and management into the community, and laying out and building community embedded service facilities at the doorstep. Implement the requirement that the area of comprehensive community service facilities per 30 households should be no less than 80 square meters on average, and support cities with conditions to reach no less than <> square meters. The construction area standards of community embedded service complexes (community service centers) are set by the city in accordance with actual conditions and local conditions, and the area is included in the statistical scope of community comprehensive service facilities.

The second is to intensify the integration and intensive construction of resources. On the basis of improving the basic public service facilities in the community, through the combination of renovation and new construction, we will vigorously promote the construction of community embedded service facilities with appropriate scale, economic applicability and efficient service. Focus on promoting and giving priority to the construction (transformation) of community embedded service complexes (community service centers) with composite and integrated functions to provide one-stop services for residents. Communities that do not have the conditions for the time being can "arrange flowers" and build embedded service facilities with relatively single functions. Support the construction of community embedded service facilities in the overall planning and comprehensive development model of the area.

The third is to expand the space of facilities for construction through multiple channels. In accordance with the principle of "supplementing and reforming a batch, transforming a batch, transferring a batch, and building a batch", we will promote all localities to carry out the expansion of the space of the construction site of community embedded service facilities. Through the demolition and vacating of the existing space of the old community, the integration of community housing, property rights replacement, expropriation and reconstruction, etc., a number of community embedded service facilities urgently needed by residents will be rebuilt and reconstructed. Encourage and guide property owners to make full use of existing housing sites, and give priority to converting eligible sites into community embedded service facilities. Local governments are allowed to provide state-owned real estate to community development embedded services after performing relevant state-owned asset management procedures in accordance with the provisions on the premise of maintaining the ownership unchanged. In accordance with the principle of "synchronous planning, synchronous construction, synchronous acceptance, and synchronous delivery", the new community should strengthen the construction of embedded service facilities in supporting communities.

The fourth is to improve the functional configuration of community embedded service facilities. Give full play to the role of responsible planners (community planners) as a communication bridge, widely solicit residents' opinions and demands, encourage residents and various social forces to actively participate in project design, accurately embed service facilities as needed, and scientifically configure service functions in accordance with expandable, convertible and compatible requirements, so as to avoid "one size fits all". Encourage the comprehensive setting, composite use, and staggered use of service facilities. Promote the standardized design of embedded service facilities in the community and create a "happy neighborhood" brand. Make overall plans to promote the construction of facilities and the embedding of services, and pilot cities should scientifically set up service scenarios, give priority to ensuring the necessary space for setting up infant and child care places and nursing care beds with short-term care functions, and avoid replacing administrative office functions with service functions for the people.

Fifth, actively promote the transformation and utilization of social stock resources. Vigorously optimize and integrate public spaces such as community supporting construction buildings, clean up non-essential and unreasonable uses, and give priority to the development of community embedded services for vacated resources. Accelerate the leasing and transfer of idle factories, warehouses, collective houses, commercial facilities and other social stock resources around the community, make good use of the city's "golden horn and silver edge", and revitalize and transform the parks, buildings, schools, real estate and land that do not conform to the direction of urban development, are idle and inefficient, and are in disrepair and disrepair, which can be used to develop community embedded services in accordance with relevant regulations. Support and guide government agencies, enterprises and institutions to revitalize idle land and housing, and open staff canteens to surrounding communities, so as to achieve joint construction and sharing.

Sixth, improve and sustain the construction and operation model. Pay attention to the role of the market mechanism and the scale effect, according to the needs of residents, market supply and financial capacity, scientific selection of reasonable and sustainable service models. Through market-oriented merit-based selection and entrusted operation, low-cost facility construction site space is provided to service operators. Service operators should provide community services and other public interest services with inclusive prices based on service costs, reasonable profits, and so forth. Explore the chaining and managed operation of community embedded service facilities by professional institutions, and build a "street-community-community" service system. Encourage public institutions, social organizations, volunteer teams, and other diverse entities to participate in operations. Guide community property and housekeeping companies to provide inclusive community services.

Seventh, increase the supply of high-quality community services. Relying on the construction of embedded service facilities in urban communities, we will simultaneously implement the construction of a better life in urban communities. Support all localities to actively build and cultivate a number of "leader" enterprises and service brands with excellent service, integrity, and ability to drive in the fields of elderly care, community meal assistance, and housekeeping and convenience for the people, and play a better role in community embedded service-related training and demonstration. Actively cultivate the main body of comprehensive community services and special service operations. Accelerate digital empowerment, improve the informatization level of embedded community services, and promote the integrated development of online and offline community services.

The plan also mentions that it is necessary to strengthen supporting support, mainly including the following aspects:

Coordinate the construction of funding channels. Actively expand the sources of funds by coordinating investment in the central budget, local financial investment, and social forces. Combined with the implementation of the renovation of old urban communities, we will increase support for the construction of embedded service facilities in communities, and the investment in the central budget will give priority to the inclusion of relevant projects and ensure that they are fully guaranteed. By actively responding to the aging of the population and the construction of childcare, the central budget will invest in special projects to guide and support the pilot projects, and focus on creating a number of typical demonstrations. Eligible community embedded service facility construction projects will be included in the scope of local government special bond support. Give full play to the role of various financial institutions, and provide support for eligible community embedded service facility construction projects in accordance with the principle of marketization. Encourage banking financial institutions to support the construction of community embedded service facilities and service operators that meet the conditions for special re-lending and re-lending for inclusive pension within the scope of the policy.

Optimize the procedures for project approval and registration and filing of service enterprises. The National Development and Reform Commission organized the formulation of guidelines for the construction of embedded service facilities in urban communities (for trial implementation), and guided local organizations to carry out project construction. Community embedded service facilities should do a good job in safety assessment and supporting construction of safety facilities when selecting and arranging sites, and allow pilot cities to explore the formulation of local construction standards through scientific assessment and demonstration, on the premise of resolutely adhering to the bottom line of safety, and relaxing or simplifying the requirements of facility site area and other requirements in combination with the actual situation. All localities can strengthen overall planning and guidance in light of actual conditions, encourage the integration of projects within their jurisdiction in urban areas, streets and other administrative areas, and carry out preliminary work in a unified manner. Improve the industry access and operation policies for community embedded service institutions, simplify the relevant permit approval and handling links, clarify the time limit for handling and announce it to the public, encourage all localities to promote the implementation of the "one license with multiple addresses" measure, and provide convenient and standardized registration, licensing and filing services for business entities in accordance with the law.

Strengthen policy support for planning, construction, and land use. When compiling the overall planning and detailed planning of urban land space and promoting the construction of urban and rural community service systems, all localities should consider the needs of community embedded service facilities as a whole. Combined with the renovation of old urban communities, the pilot project of complete community construction, the construction of community life circles, and the construction of convenient living circles in the city within a quarter of an hour, the public service land for embedded community service facilities should be reasonably allocated. Under the premise of complying with the detailed planning of land and space, the pilot cities can appropriately relax the planning requirements for the construction of community embedded service facilities in old residential areas in light of the actual situation. As a non-profit public service facility, the government-built community embedded service facility is allowed to not change the original land use for 5 years. Encourage the renewal and composite use of underutilized land, and allow the splitting and merger of land plots in the same block to optimize land circulation. With the approval of the local people's government at or above the county level, those who use the stock of buildings to renovate and build community embedded service facilities can enjoy the support policy of not changing the main body of land use and planning conditions within 5 years. On the premise of ensuring fire safety, local people's governments at or above the county level are allowed to explore and optimize the procedures for the acceptance and filing of fire protection of community embedded service facilities in accordance with local conditions.