Fidan: Any support for Israel is a blank check to kill more Palestinians (French)

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said on Friday that institutional disinformation paved the way for the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq previously and today it is practiced against the Gaza Strip.

Fidan stressed in a speech at the International Summit for Strategic Communication in Istanbul that Israel, by resorting to disinformation, is trying to defend itself after killing more than 14,6, including <>,<> children in Gaza.

"That's why Israel bombs hospitals, accuses others of that, and searches for tunnels under hospitals," he said.

"Israel's main goal with this story is to obliterate the features of the occupation and continue its practices in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza in order to completely annihilate the two-state solution," he said.

Fidan said that Turkey continues its efforts in the current war on two tracks, the first aims to fully establish a ceasefire and uninterrupted humanitarian access to Gaza, and the second track aims to return to efforts to achieve lasting peace on the basis of the two-state solution.

He stressed that "the only solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is the establishment of an independent, sovereign, geographically integrated Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital."

"Real peace cannot be achieved by repeating what Israel has been doing repeatedly, nor by allowing Israel to make its crime forgotten after committing a new crime," he said.

Turkey's foreign minister called on the West to distance itself from Israel's war crimes, saying that "Western governments remaining silent about the massacres and not calling for a real ceasefire signals a moral and political breakdown."

This situation carries with it the risk of completely breaking the link with international law, he said, stressing that any conditional or unconditional support given to Israel is a "blank cheque to kill more Palestinians."

Source : Anadolu Agency