Cuban President Canel (centre) leads the march alongside his wife and prime minister (French)

Tens of thousands of Cubans marched in front of the US embassy in Havana on Thursday in solidarity with the Palestinian people, accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza.

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel led the march on the Malecón coastal road in Havana, where the US embassy is located, in the first such protest in more than 10 years, according to Reuters.

The late Cuban President Fidel Castro held similar demonstrations to protest against US sanctions and interference in his country's affairs.

Demonstrators waving the Palestinian flag chanted "Liberate Palestine" and "Israel is genocide" as they passed the U.S. embassy and gathered nearby.

A university professor, Annette Rodriguez, said: "We are here and passing by the U.S. embassy is not a coincidence."

"The United States is one of the most responsible for supporting the State of Israel ... "It supports a massacre of Palestinians and international laws are being violated."

Protesters in Cuba waved the Palestinian flag and accused Israel of genocide (Reuters)

Cuba has been a supporter of the Palestinian cause for decades, has trained more than 200 Palestinian doctors, and has no diplomatic relations with Israel.

Since the Palestinian resistance launched Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7, and the devastating Israeli war on Gaza that followed, a number of Latin American countries have taken prominent positions in support of the Palestinian people.

Bolivia announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Israel for crimes against humanity, Colombia expelled the Israeli ambassador, and its president compared the war on Gaza to the actions of the Nazis against Jews during World War II.

Honduras recalled its ambassador to Israel for consultations over what it called Tel Aviv's violations of international humanitarian law in the Gaza Strip.

Source: Al Jazeera + Reuters