The phenomenon Black Friday came to Sweden in 2013, since then it has developed into a whole week in several places. Whether you like it or not, it can be hard to avoid. In addition to promotional offers in stores and on the web, many companies send personalized advertising via email, text message and in social media.

"If you have tendencies to be spontaneous shoppers, you should be wary. There are bargains to be made out there, but you can only find them by comparing them yourself at home before you go out shopping.

Problems with fake sales

According to consumer advisor Ottar Kraem, the problems with fake sales in connection with the major shopping holidays Black Friday, Black Week and the Boxing Day sales are so extensive that the City of Västerås has sent out a press release with consumer information.

"According to the Price Information Act, all Swedish consumers have the right to receive correct information about the price of their products. And if there are a lot of fake sales everywhere, it skews competition between the companies that are trying to do the right thing, and it means that they consume on the wrong terms," says Ottar Kraemer.

Maria disses Black Friday – cuddles with the family instead

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"It's the day of mourning for the planet." In the clip, Maria Nelenuis talks about how she avoids spontaneous shopping during Black Friday and the sale season. Photo: Ulrika Westerberg/SVT