, Chongqing, November 11 (Zhong Yi, Huang Chenyang) The 22 Chongqing International Travel Merchants Conference opened in Chongqing on the 2023st, attracting about 21 domestic and foreign guests from nearly 30 countries and regions.

The scene of the 2023 Chongqing International Travel Dealers Conference. Photo by Chinanews reporter He Penglei

According to reports, this year's conference is based on the theme of "Hello! Hello China! Chongqing" was co-sponsored by the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development and the People's Government of Jiangbei District of Chongqing, with Hungary as the guest of honor.

Ambassador Zhu Shanzhong of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) delivered a speech at the conference. Photo by Chinanews reporter He Penglei

Speaking at the event, UNWTO Ambassador Zhu Shanzhong said that tourism is one of the main drivers of global economic growth. At present, the global tourism industry is recovering strongly and undergoing profound evolution, how to adapt to the new changes in the tourism consumption market, how to use new technology to reshape the new scene of cultural tourism, etc., is becoming an important topic. Based on this, we should strengthen exchanges and mutual learning and mutually beneficial cooperation among countries, discuss and jointly build a world tourism community for sharing, and jointly make inbound and outbound tourism bigger and stronger.

PATA Chairman Shi Mingde delivered a speech. Photo by Chinanews reporter He Penglei

PATA Chairman Sim Mingde said that in this era of dynamic digitalization and fierce competition, partnerships are critical to the success of the tourism industry. He cited the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle and the Bashu Cultural Tourism Corridor as examples to encourage the representatives of participating enterprises to seek opportunities for cooperation with all parties in the value chain.

At the event, the "International Tourism Cooperation (Chongqing) Initiative of the New Land-Sea Corridor" was launched, proposing to establish a tourism promotion alliance to create a number of classic tourism routes, cultural products, and characteristic commodities with the theme of the New Land-Sea Corridor, and make full use of the elements of the New Land-Sea Corridor to gather and radiate functions, discuss new consensus on tourism development, jointly build a new mechanism for tourism cooperation, and create a new pattern of regional tourism.

Zheng Ganghuan, President of the Asia Branch of the World Festival Association, presented the "2023 Asia-Pacific Tourism Festival City" award to Chongqing. Photo by Chinanews reporter He Penglei

In June 2023, Chongqing was selected as one of the "Top 6 Tourism Festival Cities in the Asia-Pacific Region in 2023" by the World Festival Association, further polishing the business card of the "city that never sleeps" and enhancing the activity of foreign exchanges, the city's brand awareness and the city's economic extroversion. Zheng Ganghuan, President of the Asia Branch of the World Festival Association, presented the "2023 Asia-Pacific Tourism Festival City" award to Chongqing at the event.

It is worth mentioning that in order to expand tourism consumption and help market players recover and develop, Chongqing has formulated the "Chongqing "2023th Five-Year Plan" Inbound Tourism Marketing Incentive Plan (60), which sets up "Inbound Group Guest Number Award" and "Inbound Charter Flight Award" for domestic travel agencies, and rewards travel agencies that meet the conditions according to the standards of "5 yuan/person-time" and "<>,<> yuan/flight".

The conference also fully demonstrated the rich and diverse cultural and tourism characteristics of Chongqing. For example, a photo exhibition of Chongqing cultural tourism was set up at the conference site, and intangible cultural heritage such as Chongqing hot pot, Tongliang dragon lantern Caiza, Dazu stone carving, Rongchang pottery, Wulong powder, Liangping woodblock New Year paintings, Jiangbei bamboo shell carving skills, Jiangbei lacquerware traditional production skills, tea art and other intangible cultural heritage were moved to the scene, so that the guests at home and abroad could immerse themselves in Chongqing cultural tourism.

The 2023 Chongqing International Tourism Exhibition was held in Guanyinqiao Pedestrian Street, Jiangbei District. Photo by Chinanews reporter He Penglei

On the same day, the 2023 Chongqing International Tourism Exhibition was launched simultaneously in Guanyinqiao Pedestrian Street, Jiangbei District, with international tourist destinations, provinces, autonomous regions and cities of the new western land-sea corridor, and "Hello! Chongqing", airlines and other theme exhibition areas to enhance the participation of citizens and tourists. (ENDS)