Nanfang Daily reporter Xiao Wenge

A few days ago, Guangdong issued and implemented the "Three-Year Action Plan for the Construction of the "Digital Bay Area" (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan"), marking that the construction of the "Digital Bay Area" has entered the stage of full implementation. On November 11, the reporter learned from a special press conference held by the Information Office of the Provincial Government that the overall goal of the construction of the "Digital Bay Area" is to build the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area into a bay area with the highest level of digitalization in the world.

Specifically, the Action Plan clarifies seven key tasks, namely, "six links and one integration" - promoting the smooth flow of data, talents, logistics and capital in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao; The new digital infrastructure "pedestal"; Market entities invest in the business of "business pass"; digital industry agglomeration and development of "industry pass"; Efficient and collaborative social digital governance; The integration of public services facilitates the "life pass"; Eastern and western Guangdong and northern Guangdong will speed up the "digital financial bay".

The Action Plan proposes that by 2025, the construction of the "Digital Bay Area" will be basically completed, and the effective docking of digital regulations and rules in the Greater Bay Area will be realized, the construction of new infrastructure will be efficiently connected, and the computing and storage capabilities will be developed in a balanced manner.

Building a "Hong Kong and Macao Special Data Zone"

Explore a "white list" system for cross-border data circulation

"We will take the construction of the 'Digital Bay Area' as the first move in the digital Guangdong strategy and the main battlefield for the digital development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area." At the press conference, Yang Pengfei, director of the Guangdong Provincial Government Service Data Administration, introduced the key tasks of "six links and one integration" in detail. Among them, Guangdong will promote the development of the "Element Connect" in the Bay Area, rely on the demonstration effect of Hengqin, Qianhai, Nansha and Hetao as comprehensive cooperation platforms for Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, explore the construction of "Hong Kong and Macao Special Data Zones", implement the "South-to-North and North South-to-South" plan, and strengthen cross-border data circulation services and classified management.

"We will focus on the demand for data in high-frequency public services, explore the 'white list' system for cross-border data circulation, and promote cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to establish a data element agglomeration development zone, and support the Guangzhou and Shenzhen data exchanges to create national exchanges; At the same time, we will accelerate the construction of a digital talent highland in the Greater Bay Area. Yang Pengfei said.

"In recent years, Guangdong has continued to promote the 'three links' of talent connectivity, social security and employment in the Bay Area." At the meeting, Yang Hongshan, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security and first-class inspector, introduced that more than 3200,3500 Hong Kong and Macao professionals have practiced in the mainland, and more than 237,85 people have obtained skills certificates from the three places through the "one test and multiple certificates"; It has built <> special service windows for the "Bay Area Social Security Pass" and <> social security service outlets in Hong Kong and Macao. "In the next step, we will promote the integration and development of talents in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and provide strong talent support for the construction of the 'Digital Bay Area'." He said.

The "Pedestal Pass" aims to consolidate the new digital infrastructure. Guangdong will work with Hong Kong and Macao to accelerate the construction of the national hub node of the integrated computing network in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, integrate the network, computing power, storage, data and other resources of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and optimize the sharing and release platform of computing resources in the Greater Bay Area. "We will adhere to the construction of 'computing power' and 'storage power' at the same time, and make efforts in the two fields of computing and storage in the same direction." Yang Pengfei said.

"Business Communication" is to empower investment and business with digitalization. Guangdong will give full play to the advantages of the "Guangdong Business Connect" platform to provide enterprises in the Greater Bay Area with the whole chain of business and handheld services. Under the "cross-border communication" mechanism between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Guangdong-Macao, the "Invest in Guangdong" platform will be used to build the main platform for investment promotion in the Greater Bay Area, so as to promote the accurate and efficient investment promotion and enterprise demand matching between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. Relying on the 12345 hotline platform of "Guangdong Province", it provides enterprises with all-weather and accurate appeal resolution channels and services.

The goal of "Industry Connect" is to build a new highland for the agglomeration and development of digital industries, carry out digital government industry empowerment actions, create clusters for information and innovation, digital government, data and network security industries, and encourage enterprises and scientific research forces in the three places to carry out research and construction of general artificial intelligence.

In this regard, Xia Qifeng, the second-level inspector of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, introduced: "We will promote the construction of Pengcheng Laboratory, Guangdong Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy, and increase investment in digital infrastructure such as Spallation Neutron Source Phase II, Pengcheng Cloud Brain II., and Hengqin Artificial Intelligence Supercomputing Center." Coordinate and promote the construction of national new-generation artificial intelligence innovation and development pilot zones in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and create artificial intelligence industry clusters. ”

Create a "Bay Affairs" applet

Let the people in the three places "travel the Bay Area with one yard"

The Action Plan also clarifies that the "governance" of the Bay Area society will be promoted and the digital collaborative governance of the three places will be strengthened. Improve the construction of the "one network unified management" system, promote more special applications to launch "Guangdong Zhihui", and continuously improve the scientific and precise level of government governance. Among them, we will focus on the joint construction of smart city clusters in the Greater Bay Area, and accelerate the construction of smart hospitals and smart communities.

In terms of people's livelihood, Guangdong will also promote the "life access" of residents in the Bay Area, promote the convergence and integration of public services in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, strive to open up the government service chain and data flow blockages in the three places, optimize unified identity authentication, mutual recognition and interoperability of electronic signatures, and realize more high-frequency services for residents and enterprises.

"Recently, we have created a 'Bay Affairs' comprehensive service applet, focusing on the travel, customs clearance, communication, payment, job search, pension, medical care, education, travel and other scenarios of residents in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, aiming at more than 70 high-frequency matters, providing residents and foreigners in the Greater Bay Area with 'one body' and convenient comprehensive services, and realizing 'one code for free travel in the Bay Area' with digitalization." Wei Wentao, spokesman for the Provincial Government Service Data Administration, said.

"One integration" refers to accelerating the "digital financial bay" in eastern and western Guangdong and northern Guangdong. Accelerate the equalization of the basic capabilities of the digital government, enhance the basic strength of the digital government, and drive the eastern and western parts of Guangdong and northern Guangdong to fully integrate into the industrial chain, supply chain and living circle of the Greater Bay Area. In addition, we will deepen the synergy between the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Yangtze River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Chengdu-Chongqing economic circles to increase economic depth.

Yang Pengfei introduced: "Compared with the traditional model of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao government-led cooperation, the biggest feature of the construction of the 'Digital Bay Area' is that it adopts a government-led, enterprise-led, and social participation model. Guangdong will establish a task force for the construction of the 'Digital Bay Area', and will also establish a joint working mechanism for the 'Digital Bay Area' of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and encourage qualified enterprises to participate in the joint working mechanism, so as to guide and promote the establishment of a 'Digital Bay Area' construction and development fund by social capital. ”

Join hands with Hong Kong and Macao to build a national level

Digital communication and cooperation platform

According to the press conference, Guangdong will jointly hold the Digital Government Construction Summit and the "Digital Bay Area" Development Forum with the Hong Kong and Macao SAR governments every year to create a national-level digital exchange and cooperation platform.

From December 12 to 8, the Guangdong Provincial Government and the Hong Kong and Macao SAR Governments will jointly host the 10nd Digital Government Construction Summit and the "Digital Bay Area" Development Forum. With the theme of "Innovation Drives the Construction of Digital Bay Area and Data Empowers High-quality Development", the conference will integrate activities such as the opening ceremony, summit forum, special forum, and achievement expo. Anhui, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Xinjiang and other guest provinces will also showcase the achievements of digital development and exchange experiences in the construction of provincial digital governments.

During the summit, seven thematic forums will be held, including data elements, government services, government governance, digital economy, digital society, network and information security, and digital bay area, which will be hosted by the governments of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Zhongshan and Jiangmen.

Ma Shu, Deputy Secretary-General of the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government, said that Guangzhou will also hold the first Guangzhou Data Fair during the summit. "This fair will be through the form of 'on-site trading + professional exhibition', invite domestic representative data trading institutions, data vendors, etc. to participate, will focus on data collection, processing, certification, circulation, application and other key aspects of the transaction, including the opening ceremony, product promotion, award ceremony, on-site negotiation, on-site signing and other activities, through the form of institutions 'stalls' and enterprises 'procurement', to promote the docking of supply and demand." He said.

Huang Qiang, Deputy Secretary-General of the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, introduced that the "Government Service Forum" hosted by Shenzhen will focus on the theme of "ubiquitous accessibility, wisdom and convenience, fairness and inclusiveness", focusing on the achievements of the country, Guangdong Province and Shenzhen in the "one-network operation" of government services and promoting the reform of smart government affairs, and released a number of innovative practice cases. (Nanfang Daily)