In preparation for the formulation of the first Children's Charter, which sets the direction of children's policy, a council of experts presented the final draft of its report to the government. It emphasizes the need for seamless support according to life stages, and says that strengthening measures to combat poverty and prevent abuse should be listed as important issues.

The Children and Families Agency plans to formulate the first "Children's Charter" by the end of this year, which will set the direction of the policy for the next five years or so, and the council of experts, which has been consulted and is considering the matter, presented the final draft of the report at its meeting on the 5nd.

It states that we should aim for a "child-centered society" in which all children and young people can lead happy lives.

Emphasizing the need for seamless support according to life stages, he called for measures to combat child poverty, support for
children with disabilities, prevention of corporal punishment and inappropriate instruction in schools,

and strengthening efforts to prevent child abuse and

We are asking you to list it as a priority item.

In addition, in order to proceed with policies while verifying their effectiveness, numerical targets should be set for
a period of roughly five years,
such as satisfaction with the lives of children and young people and
high hopes for the future.

The council will formally compile a report in early December and submit it to Minister Kato, who is in charge of children's policy.