Anton Dahlberg is 38 years old and is competing in his fifth Olympics in Paris. In Tokyo 2020, he won an Olympic silver medal together with Fredrik Bergström.

"Weird is probably the wrong word, but it feels incredibly cool to be able to represent Sweden in yet another Olympics. A lot has happened since my first Olympics when I was 23 years old and now we have to prepare as well as we can, says Anton Dahlberg to SVT Nyheter Småland.

Wants to be on top of the podium

In Paris, Anton Dahlberg competes together with Lovisa Karlsson.

"Me and Lovisa are a match in heaven, she's very structured and I'm pretty good at coming with a lot of power, which makes us a very strong team," says Anton Dahlberg.

You won silver in the last Olympics in Tokyo, what would beat that?

"A gold medal would be awesome," he says.

The Summer Olympics in Paris start on July 26, 2024.