The former socialist vice-president Alfonso Guerra has charged against the amnesty law agreed between PSOE and the Catalan pro-independence parties, assuring that this measure of grace is not deserved by those who "carried out a coup d'état" and considers that "it is not sensible" on the part of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez. In life you can have crazy ideas, but you have to be sensible," he reproached.

This is how Guerra expressed himself in an interview this Wednesday in 'El Hormiguero', collected by Europa Press, to present his book 'The rose and the thorns, the man behind the politician', and in which he has entered into an assessment of the political situation in Spain, making clear his position against offering amnesty to Catalan nationalist formations.

"Do those who staged a coup d'état, those who continually say they are going to do it again, deserve it? Do they deserve amnesty? My answer is no, absolutely," said the Sevillian politician.

In the same way, he has charged against the procedure of drafting it, in his opinion "a bit strange". "Where has it been seen that laws are written by criminals?" he asked, while criticizing the fact that it is the beneficiaries of the law themselves who write it. "That already disqualifies her," he said.

That said, he recalled that the official line of the Government and the "only official document" that exists from the Executive in reference to the one drafted by the Ministry of Justice when the pardons were offered, states that the amnesty does not fit in the Constitution. "I can't understand it because it's not sensible," he said, while stressing that if he had been among the 121 PSOE deputies to vote for Sánchez's investiture he would have gone home.

On another point, the former vice-president has also censured the cession of Social Security to the PNV when it only has 1.1% of the votes.

Same portfolio

Asked about the distribution of portfolios in the recent coalition government and, specifically, about the "power" that has been granted to Félix Bolaños by adding the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts, Guerra does not believe that the problem is the "power" but the "capacity" of the minister.

In the same vein, he has slipped that the "problem" is whether Justice and the Presidency "go well together". "The Presidency is a bit like the apparatus of the Government and Justice should be the most distant from the apparatus, the most equidistant from the whole," explained the socialist, warning that "some kind of conflict" could occur.

"Reactionary" Left

On another point, Guerra has been questioned about whether the current PSOE has become "podemized" to which he has replied forcefully that "a lot". "Surely the militants are not aware, that they are people who always make an effort to defend their party, which is logical, but they have not yet understood it well, I think," he added, making it clear that "Podeism has absolutely nothing to do with socialism."

On the other hand, the former vice-president has been critical of the PSOE's pacts with EH Bildu, whom he has presented as its "enemies".

"These gentlemen of Bildu, I don't know if they or their litter, their people, killed people. Among them colleagues and very close friends (...) those are my enemies," he said, although he explained that although in politics he prefers not to speak of enemies but of "adversaries" or "rivals", in this case when it comes to "terrorists" and "violent" they are "enemies".

  • PSOE
  • Amnesty
  • Pedro Sanchez