The decision to pause the plans for a newly built health center at Kungsplan in Karlskrona was confirmed by Finance Commissioner Sophia Ahlin (M) on Monday when the regional government's budget was presented.

Now it is facing strong criticism from the opposition.

"This issue really doesn't need to be paused. On the contrary, it should be accelerated, says Magnus Johansson (S), second vice chairman of the Health and Medical Care Committee, in a press release.

He believes that it has already taken too long to get new premises for Trossö health center, and that regardless of what a review of the health centers in Blekinge concludes, a new one will be needed at Trossö.

"It would be a crazy decision, to say the least, to exclude a health centre there.

"It's a mystery what more answers are needed and what new questions need to be asked," says Kevin Ny (C), group leader of the Centre Party in Region Blekinge.

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In the clip, you can hear Finance Commissioner Sophia Ahlin (M) explain why the construction plans are paused. Photo: Karlskrona Municipality