On April 1, a 25-year-old man was found dead in the Hjälstaviken recreation area in Enköping municipality.

The man is hanged from a tree and has been missing for more than a week.

It is the beginning of a long and high-profile story in which five teenagers, four brothers and a girl, were charged in September on suspicion of murder.

Four of the suspects are registered in Uppsala County, while one of the brothers, who is under the age of 18, is a resident of Södermanland County.

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SVT's reporter Christoffer Urborn has been given exclusive insight into the murder investigation – in the clip above, he goes through the case. Photo: Pontus Stark/SVT

Would "just" be abused

According to prosecutors, the murder was in retaliation for an alleged assault. It is the girl accused of murder who, just over a month before the murder, reported the victim to the police for rape.

All five suspects deny any wrongdoing, but have made some admissions. Among other things, the suspect girl confessed in interrogation that she lured the victim to Hjälstaviken but in the belief that he would "only" be beaten by the brothers.

At the beginning of October, the hearing started in Attunda District Court and during 20 trial days, the course of events has been reviewed. Prosecutors are seeking life imprisonment for one of the brothers, who is 19 years old, and four years in juvenile detention for the other three suspects, as well as for the suspected girl.

Suspect released

On Tuesday, the trial ended. As a result, the suspect girl was released from custody pending sentencing. But the four brothers remain in custody.

"She is released because there is an assurance of satisfactory surveillance of the girl," says prosecutor Moa Blomqvist.

The girl will immediately be placed in a Sis home.

The verdict will be announced on November 29.