"It is with great pain that we inform you that Polina Menshikh, known as the director of one of the versions of the Last Trial (Lege Artis), died yesterday at a performance in Donbass as a result of shelling," the theater said in a statement.

On December 9, a concert of "The Last Trial" will be dedicated to her memory, the theater noted.

According to Izvestia, the death of the girl on November 21 was also reported by her colleagues.

"A message has just come from Donetsk that my good friend, choreographer, director and teacher Polina Menshikh was killed in artillery shelling during a performance," said actor Denis Lavrentyev.

The newspaper notes that Polina Menshikh was the permanent head of the Lege Artis and Nezhen theaters, as well as the director of The Last Trial.