The annual Europol 'most wanted' campaign will be launched in November to help the public find wanted criminals.

"These criminals are fleeing from country to country and trying to evade law enforcement authorities," said Europol chief Catherine De Bolle in a comment on the European Police Cooperation website.

Two men and a woman

The updated list for 2023 includes around 60 people from different countries – including three Swedes who are all registered in Stockholm. All of them have stayed away from authorities for a long time.

They are two men, aged 27 and 33, and a 31-year-old woman. The 33-year-old is classified as "dangerous" by Europol.

The man is suspected of being one of Sweden's largest cocaine wholesalers. He is said to have been arrested in Bulgaria in the spring of 2022 but later that year bribed his way out, Expressen has reported.

Transported drugs and money

The 31-year-old is one of Europe's most wanted women. Since 2021, she has been suspected of serious drug offences and money laundering, linked to the major election exchange case in Stockholm. According to Europol, she has links to organised crime. Her role is said to have been to transport and deliver large quantities of drugs and cash.

The 27-year-old man has been wanted since November 2021 for organizing a widespread drug trade in central Stockholm.

See the currency exchange scandal explained, to which the 31-year-old wanted woman is linked, from the judgment in February 2022:

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"It's a matter of large sums" – hear the explanation behind the verdict against the exchange office in central Stockholm.