In September, the new nonsocialist regional government took office and today they presented their first joint budget.

It shows that Region Blekinge is facing "a very serious economic situation", with a large budget deficit.

"This is a tight budget, but it is also important that we put a budget in balance," says Sophia Ahlin (M), vice chairman of the regional board.

"More efficient flows"

One of the measures the government wants to take is to reorganize the region. The civil servant organisation will become an administration, several political committees will be abolished and instead political committees will be formed under the committees.

"There will be more efficient flows and, above all, more coordinated," says Robert Lindén (SD), chairman of the regional board.

The regional board decided on the reorganization a month ago, now the issue will be decided by the regional council on 6 December.

Furthermore, it appears that the government wants to reopen the issue of privatizing cafes and kiosks at Blekinge's hospital, an issue that met with strong criticism before the plans were dropped last spring.

And then it is mentioned that they want to reintroduce a medical emergency department in Karlshamn, an issue that has been discussed for several years.