Chad: Opposition leader Succès Masra calls for dialogue at his first rally since his return

In Chad, opposition leader Succès Masra, who returned to N'Djamena on 3 November after the signing of a reconciliation agreement in Kinshasa with the government, held his first meeting on Sunday (November 1th) in the capital. At the "Balcony of Hope", the headquarters of his party, the Transformers, he spoke to thousands of activists a month before the constitutional referendum.

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Opposition leader Succes Masra is greeted by supporters of Chad's opposition party Les Transformateurs as he addresses them for the first time since returning from exile in N'Djamena on November 19, 2023. © Denis Sassou Gueipeur / AFP

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With our correspondent in N'Djamena, Olivier Monodji

Loud shouts prevailed on Sunday afternoon at the "Balcony of Hope", the name given to the headquarters of the Transformers party. At 15:40 p.m. hour, Succès Masra arrived to the cheers of the crowd. After a year away from the country, the opposition leader has things to say to his supporters.

The leader of the Transformers paid tribute to the victims of October 20, 2022 before briefly referring to the issue of the referendum scheduled in a month's time. On this issue, on which he was expected, he dodged simply stating that The Transformers will be present in the political arena.

Masra also returned to the Kinshasa agreement, which according to him is not a surrender: "Yes to dialogue, yes to discussions. Because we have arrived at the moment of benevolence. People are interested to know what the Transformers think about the referendum, about the next election. Tell them that Transformers will be at the heart of all of these topics for the future.


For Jeanne, one of the party's activists and a victim of the events of October 20, 2022, nothing will weaken her determination and her fight alongside the Transformers.

« We are together, we will fight this fight to the end. If Transformers are at the center of this debate, we hope we can get there. »

Towards the activists, Succès Masra said that justice is not revenge despite the pain suffered. And he has announced a national tour in the coming days to explain his new political approach.

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