【Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Special Line】Cross-strait industry Putian talks about "the integrated development of Fujian and Taiwan culture and tourism"

China News Service, Meizhou Island, Fujian, November 11 (Ye Qiuyun) "In the past 18 years, Taiwan's 'March Crazy Mazu' has entered the incense and surrounded the country, in addition to pious beliefs and cultural customs, bringing huge business opportunities to the local area. On the 20th, Lai Sezhen, chairman of the Taiwan Tourism Exchange Association, introduced Meizhou Island, Putian City, Fujian Province.

Lai Sezhen said that the combination of diverse and rich religious and cultural experiences, religious festivals and music seasons and other cultural activities has attracted many young people to join, and the combination of the use of Mazu cultural and creative IP and e-shopping platforms has made Taiwan's Mazu culture closer to people's lives.

On the same day, the 8th World Mazu Culture Forum - "Fujian-Taiwan Cultural and Tourism Integration Development Forum" was held on Meizhou Island, and experts and scholars from the cultural and tourism circles on both sides of the strait gathered for exchanges.

Lai Sezhen has been deeply involved in the field of cultural tourism for half a century, and she suggested that in the future, in addition to carrying out various forms of Mazu exchange activities, the research groups in Fujian and Taiwan can integrate the elements of Mazu culture, encourage cross-strait tea, cooking, and cultural and creative product design as the medium, hold Mazu Cup competitions, explore the meaning of traditional folk culture, and use Mazu belief and culture as a "touchstone" to accelerate the integrated development of cross-strait culture and tourism.

At the forum, experts and scholars from both sides of the strait expressed their opinions, and Taiwanese youths Wu Bingzhang and Qiu Binping shared their stories and feelings of starting a business in Fujian.

Qiu Binping said that some people will ask, why did Abin choose the road of rural revitalization? "I think it may be the desire of the heart, or it may be that you can see patches of rice fields in the village, you can feed flocks of chickens and ducks, you can learn to make tea in the village... Doing a good job in rural revitalization not only brings a wonderful life to the countryside and revitalizes the village, but also brings us wonderful stories. ”

Xiao Changpei, deputy director of the Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said that the two sides of the strait are close to each other, and Fujian and Taiwan are close to each other. The "Fujian-Taiwan Cultural and Tourism Integration Development Forum" held this time takes Mazu culture as a link, bringing together well-known experts and scholars in the cultural and tourism circles on both sides of the strait to discuss the integrated development of the two sides of the strait, which is of great benefit. (ENDS)