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Stable weather, with little cloudy or clear skies, will prevail this Friday in most of the Peninsula except in the northeast, where instability will increase, temperatures will drop and rain, showers and coastal phenomena are expected, according to the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), which warns Girona due to the risk of strong waves and Toledo, Cáceres and Badajoz due to fog.

Specifically, the risk (yellow warning) for Girona will focus on the Empordà, where north and northwest winds will blow at 50 to 60 kilometres per hour, with force 7 and waves of 3 metres offshore. In addition, fog will limit visibility to 200 meters in Toledo, Cáceres, Comunidad de Madrid and Bajadoz. In general, anticyclonic weather is expected to continue in most parts of the country, with a predominance of low cloudy skies or with intervals of high clouds.

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An expert from the AEMET warns that the conditions could be in place for a category 4 hurricane to reach Spain

  • Written by: EL MUNDO

An expert from the AEMET warns that the conditions could be in place for a category 4 hurricane to reach Spain

Climate change.

2023 will be the hottest year after the new temperature record in October

  • Written by: CARLOS FRESNEDA (Correspondent)London

2023 will be the hottest year after the new temperature record in October

Specifically, the AEMET expects unstable weather only in the northeast of Catalonia, which will have cloudy skies and occasional showers, which are not ruled out will also affect the north of the Balearic Islands, where there will also be greater cloudiness.

This Friday will begin with abundant low morning cloudiness in large areas of the Peninsula, except in the southern third and in much of the eastern third, with possible morning mists or fogs, more likely in the interior of Galicia and both plateaus, especially in the south, where they will be denser in valley areas.

It is also not ruled out that there will be fog in the depressions of the northeast of the peninsula, the Balearic Islands, and more persistently in the Alboran and southeast coasts.

Minimum temperatures will drop in most of the country and will do so more sharply in the northern half of the peninsula, except in areas of the southeast and southwest of the Peninsula, where they will rise.

Maximum temperatures will fall in the Canary Islands, the north of the Balearic Islands and much of the northeastern half of the peninsula, reaching a notable level in the northeast of Catalonia. In general, the AEMET forecasts little change in the rest and forecasts light frosts in the Balearic Islands.

Finally, as for the wind, it indicates that the tramuntana will blow in the north of the Balearic Islands and with strong intervals in Empordà. In addition, there will be a wind in the Ebro, trade winds in the Canary Islands, and a westerly wind rolling to the east in the Bay of Biscay. In the rest, a variable light wind will blow with a predominance of the northern component and will tend to settle in the Levante in the Strait of Gibraltar and Alboran, and the southwest will intensify in Galicia.