In North Korea, the 17th, which is exactly one year since the successful final launch test of the new ICBM = intercontinental ballistic missile "Hwasong-1", is the newly established anniversary "Missile Industry Day". North Korea has just announced that it has conducted its first test of a solid-fuel engine used in intermediate-range ballistic missiles, and countries concerned are becoming more vigilant.

North Korea said that it succeeded in the final launch test of a new ICBM "Hwasong-11" that has the potential to reach the entire United States on November 18 last year, and the 17th, which is exactly one year since then, was established as a new anniversary "Missile Industry Day" in November.

The leadership is expected to once again boast about the progress of the missile development as a record of General Secretary Kim Jong-un's achievements through state media.

In addition, it will be one year since his daughter, who attended the launch test with General Secretary Kim, first appeared in the official press, so it will be an opportunity to call for loyalty to the regime.

Prior to this, North Korea announced on November 1 that the Missile Directorate conducted the first test of a solid-fuel engine for use in a new intermediate-range ballistic missile on November 18 and 11, both of which were successful.

Solid-fuel fuels are said to be quicker to fire and less likely to detect signs than conventional liquid-fueled types.

In December last year, three days after North Korea successfully conducted its first test of a solid-fuel engine for an ICBM, it launched two ballistic missiles.