Europe1 .fr with AFP Credits: VIRGINIE SEILLER / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP 10:33 am, November 17, 2023

The mother of Nahel, who was killed during a traffic stop in Nanterre last June, called via video for a rally on Sunday after the police officer who shot the teenager was released under judicial supervision. A court decision taken as a "real injustice" by the mother of the deceased teenager.

The mother of Nahel, who was killed during a traffic stop in Nanterre on June 27, called in a video for a "rally" of support on Sunday after the police officer who shot him was released on Wednesday. "I will fight, I will not give up for my son. On Sunday, November 19, come and support us at 15 p.m. on the Place Nelson Mandela, in Nanterre. Thank you very much," Mounia, the young man's mother, said in a video sent by the Justice for Nahel collective on Thursday evening to several media outlets.

The police officer placed under judicial supervision

The death of the 17-year-old had taken place a week of riots across France and the police officer who fired the shot was kept in pre-trial detention until Wednesday. But the investigating judges decided "that the legal criteria for the pre-trial detention of the police officer incarcerated since June 29, 2023 no longer appeared to be met at this stage of the investigation," the Nanterre prosecutor's office explained on Wednesday.

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The 38-year-old police officer remains under investigation for murder and is under judicial supervision. He must "pay bail" and a ban on contact with witnesses and civil parties, "to appear in Nanterre" and "to possess a weapon", according to the public prosecutor's office. For Nahel's mother, this is a "real injustice". "How can my son's life have so little value for this justice?" she asks in the video.