Mauritania: Closing arguments end in the trial of former president Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz

In the trial of former Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, the defence closed arguments on Wednesday (November 15th) with the intervention of lawyers for the former head of state's co-defendants. Among the dozen defendants: former prime ministers, senior civil servants and businessmen. As a reminder, 20 years in prison have been requested by the prosecutor against the former Mauritanian president and between 5 and 10 years for some of his former collaborators.

Former Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz is on trial for illicit enrichment and abuse of power. (illustrative image) AFP/File

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With our correspondent in Nouakchott, Léa Breuil

The pleadings of the lawyers of the co-defendants of former president Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz ended with, among other things, the intervention of the lawyers of the bailiff involved in the auction of land in the Nouadhibou free zone

Like him, close associates of the former president, such as two former prime ministers, the former energy minister and the former director general of the SNIM (National Industrial and Mining Company), are suspected of embezzlement in the awarding of public contracts or the sale of the state's real estate and land domain.

These accusations are strongly rejected by all the lawyers of the co-accused, who have all pleaded not guilty and argue that their clients have always complied with the law and the law. And denounce the lack of evidence against them.

In defence of the former head of state, the lawyers had relied on Article 93 of the Mauritanian Constitution, which they said states that a president cannot be tried for acts committed during the exercise of his mandate except in cases of high treason.

An argument that is still firmly rejected by the lawyers of the civil party such as Vadili Raiss. According to him, a former president can be tried after his term in office if the alleged offenses are separable from his presidential office.

Next Monday, both the civil party and the defense will be able to reply one last time for about ten minutes before the court retires to deliberate and the judge delivers his final verdict.

Read alsoMauritania: the trial of ex-president Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz resumes with the return of his defense

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