Philori Manor became the focus of the world for a while.

On November 11, local time, Chinese President Xi Jinping held a meeting with US President Joe Biden at Philory Manor in San Francisco, USA.

Philori Manor, what is the origin?

Located in the south of San Francisco, USA, this "English Country Manor" has a history of 100 years and is the best example of the American Golden Age, and is known as one of the "most beautiful estates" in the United States.

The estate covers 654 acres (about 4000,1917 acres) and dates back to <> when it was built by a Californian named William Byrne II.

The name of the estate is taken from Mr. Byrne's motto - Fight for justice, love your fellow man, and enjoy the good life, so Fight, Love, and Live together form the English name of the estate - Filoli.

Through the time tunnel, 100 years later, the words "Fight", "Love", and "Live" still shine brightly today.

Why "Manor Meeting"?

Why did the meeting between the Chinese and American heads of state in San Francisco be held in such a country estate?

According to the analysis, on the one hand, from the perspective of diplomatic etiquette arrangements, President Xi Jinping's visit to the United States this time is not a state visit, but a meeting of heads of state. In such cases, a flexible "manor meeting" may be a more reasonable arrangement.

On the other hand, from the perspective of the current Sino-US relations, the "manor meeting" may be a more efficient and direct meeting, so as to ensure that the two sides have substantive time for talks, so that the talks may be more in-depth and direct.

As analysts say, manor diplomacy is not just about chatting, strolling and eating, but more importantly, it allows leaders to have more frank discussions on topics of common interest in a relaxed atmosphere.

Direct, frank, and in-depth exchanges between the two heads of state are particularly important for China-US relations at present.

What is a "manor meeting"?

The "manor meeting" is a form of meeting that is different from an official visit, which has both an official color and a certain degree of private nature, and aims to encompass serious government diplomacy in a "lively" public diplomacy.

Judging from the tradition of U.S. foreign exchanges, "manor diplomacy" is an important part of U.S. presidential politics and one of the highest forms of U.S. diplomacy.

This form of meeting has a more relaxed atmosphere and is conducive to the construction of personal relationships between leaders; If sufficient and in-depth exchanges can be conducted, it will help the two countries establish a more stable relationship.

There is no meeting hall in the traditional sense, but in a beautiful country estate, and the meeting of the Chinese and US heads of state in such a manor is undoubtedly based on the special arrangements made in the current Sino-US relations.

Looking at Sino-US relations through the estate

In the long-term exchanges between China and the United States, "manor diplomacy" has played a very important role. Prior to the Philori Manor meeting, President Xi Jinping had been invited to hold a "Manor Meeting" with then US Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

In recent years, a series of structural contradictions, ranging from ideology to economic and trade frictions, have plagued China and the United States, but as the most important bilateral relationship in the world, China-US relations are not a choice question of whether to do a good job, but a question that must be answered on how to do a good job.

In November 2021, when Xi Jinping held a video meeting with Biden, he proposed that China and the United States should adhere to three principles in the new era, the first of which is "mutual respect". There are huge historical and cultural differences between China and the United States, and the so-called mutual respect means to respect each other's differences and accept the diversity of the world.

"Manor Meeting", "Yingtai Night Talk", "White House Autumn Talk", "Forbidden City Tea Party"... Over the past decade, these images in the diplomacy between the heads of state of China and the United States have been a historical microcosm of the question that China and the United States must answer.

"Great power competition is not the background color of this era, and it will not solve the problems facing China and the United States and the world. This planet can accommodate both China and the United States, and our respective successes are opportunities for each other. ”

As Xi Jinping said at the Philori Manor meeting, over the past 50 years, China-US relations have never been smooth sailing, there will always be problems of one kind or another, and they have always developed in twists and turns. It is impossible for these two big countries not to deal with each other, it is unrealistic to want to change each other, and no one can bear the consequences of conflict and confrontation.

After the Philori Manor meeting, the world will pay attention to where Sino-US relations will go and how they will become opportunities for each other.

Producer: Chen Junjun

Director: Zhang Mingxin

Chief Planner: Yu Lan

Planner: Wu Qingcai

|Co-ordinator: Guo Jinchao, Ma Xueling

|Writer: Ma Xueling, Kan Feng

Proofreader: Sun Jingbo

Visual: Zhang Jianyuan, Xu Yang

Produced by the "Xi Yandao" studio of China News Network