The incident has caused concern in the community and several neighbors of the dead woman and residents in nearby areas that we meet express concern and have many thoughts about what happened.

Police Area Manager Anders Sund explains that he understands the concern that exists in the area and that the police will work to try to create security.

"We will have more resources in place than usual in the coming days.

Gnosjö is a safe place

The head of security at Gnosjö municipality, Mathilda Johansson, says that they have meetings with the police regularly.

"We have this to check with them if there is anything that we as a municipality can assist with.

She says that studies have shown that Gnosjö is a safe place to live, but she understands that the suspected murder makes people worried.

"We will continue to work to create a sense of security. This may involve evening and night walks in certain areas, but also to review the lighting and vegetation that may need to be removed to make places safer physically.

In the clip, you can hear neighbors talk about the concern that exists after the murder.