Guangdong and Hong Kong have set up a special service window for "cross-border communication", accelerated cross-border medical cooperation, and continuously improved the integration of Hengqin and Macao... Recently, a series of policies and measures to promote the integrated development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area have been introduced, pressing the acceleration button for the interconnection construction of the Greater Bay Area. Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao have joined hands to continuously improve the "soft connectivity" of rules and mechanisms, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, and create strong synergies for the integrated development of the Greater Bay Area.

The "cross-border communication" of government affairs is more convenient

At the recent press conference on the results of the "cross-border communication" of government services between Guangdong and Hong Kong, Guangdong and Hong Kong signed the "Cooperation Agreement on "Cross-border Communication" of Guangdong-Hong Kong Government Services, and the first batch of more than 50 "cross-border services" government services were launched in the two places, so as to further enhance the convenience and sense of access of enterprises in the two places, and jointly promote the construction of the "Digital Bay Area".

Sun Dong, Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, introduced that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has set up a special website on "Cross-boundary Communication", which integrates 9 government services from nine departments in the fields of taxation, company registration, property and vehicle enquiry and registration, personal certification documents, talent entry application, welfare, education and medical health, etc., for mainland residents or Hong Kong residents living in Guangdong.

"These measures have enabled residents and enterprises in Guangdong and Hong Kong to bid farewell to 'running between the two places and turning back' in handling government services, and we have all become beneficiaries. Hong Kong people in the Mainland do not need to return to Hong Kong to enjoy a number of services such as tax processing and vehicle licence renewal, which is much more convenient. Chen Zhiming, a Hong Kong resident who has developed in Guangzhou, lamented that these convenient services are accessible and felt by ordinary people, so that the interconnection of the Greater Bay Area has been implemented.

In the cross-border service area of the Guangdong government service network, the nine mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area have also launched the first batch of 9 high-frequency government service items that are commonly handled by Hong Kong citizens or mainland citizens living in Hong Kong, covering talent introduction, employment and entrepreneurship, pension services, tax declaration, enterprise operation, etc.

In addition to online services, Guangdong Province has also set up a cross-border service entity window at the 9 municipal service centres in the Greater Bay Area to provide a dedicated channel for Hong Kong citizens to apply for Mainland services. Hong Kong has also deployed the "Guangdong Smart Help" cross-boundary self-service kiosks to provide self-service services for the citizens of the two places.

"We will continue to deepen cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, increase the supply of high-quality public products and services, promote the convenient flow and optimal allocation of various elements, and solidly promote the construction of the 'Digital Bay Area'." Xu Dianhui, deputy secretary-general of the Guangdong provincial government, said.

Cross-border medical cooperation is deeper

In his second policy address delivered by the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), John Lee, he mentioned the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area 32 times, among which the promotion of cross-border medical cooperation in the Greater Bay Area is an important part. According to the report, the Hong Kong Hospital Authority will relaunch the Hospital Accreditation Scheme, support the Shenzhen Health Hospital Assessment and Evaluation Research Center to set up an office in Hong Kong, and expand the scope of Hong Kong's "Elderly Health Care Voucher" to suitable medical institutions in the Greater Bay Area.

"Hong Kong has a high level of medical professionals and an efficient healthcare system, and many health indicators are among the best in the world." The Secretary for Health of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Mr Lo Chung-mao, said that in recent years, cross-border medical cooperation in the Greater Bay Area has achieved certain results, and the "Hong Kong and Macao Medicines and Medical Devices Connect" policy has been extended to 19 designated medical institutions in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Zhongshan and other places, bringing convenience to Hong Kong people seeking medical treatment in the Mainland. He said that in the next step, the HKSAR Government will actively communicate and coordinate with relevant departments in the Mainland, explore innovative systems, promote cross-border exchange and mutual recognition of medical records, etc., so as to enhance the level of cross-border medical services in the Greater Bay Area, so that the results of cooperation can benefit the people of the two places.

At present, about 53,27 Hong Kong people are living in the mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area for a long time, and many of them plan to work, live or retire in the mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area in the future. Guangdong Province has also accelerated the docking of medical systems and mechanisms with Hong Kong and Macao, and recently introduced <> measures to improve the medical and health service system, and promote the joint construction of medical consortiums and regional medical centers with Hong Kong and Macao.

"Guangzhou's public hospitals are speeding up their integration with Hong Kong and Macao." At the 3rd Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Health Cooperation Conference held recently, Zhang Yi, deputy director of the Guangzhou Municipal Health Commission, introduced that Guangzhou is exploring the integration of high-level hospitals and Hong Kong and Macao-funded medical institutions, establishing specialized medical alliances, sharing high-quality medical resources, and carrying out academic exchanges, expert teaching, multidisciplinary consultation and referral and other cooperation.

Improve people's livelihood facilities and make them more livable

Can Macao medicines be brought to Hengqin? Can a pet travel with me? The Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin recently released the "Hengqin Life Tips", which answers 12 frequently asked questions from Macao residents working and living in Hengqin from 100 aspects, including starting a company, customs clearance, travel, marriage and family affairs, education, medical care and elderly care. Chung Wing-yee, Director of the Legal Affairs Bureau of the Hengqin In-depth Cooperation Zone, said that a total of 265 opinions and suggestions were collected during the "I Propose a Proposal for the Convergence of Rules between Hengqin and Macao" held this year, which provided a reference for promoting the convergence of rules and mechanisms between the Cooperation Zone and Macao.

Located in Hengqin, the "Macao New Neighbourhood" is the first comprehensive livelihood project for Macao residents, integrating high-quality living space, education and social services, and will create a livable community for more than 2024,<> Macao residents. Fu Yongge, Deputy Director of the Executive Committee of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, recently revealed that the Macao New Neighborhood Project will be completed by the end of this year and will be ready for occupancy, and at the same time, the schools, health stations, elderly service centers and commercial facilities supporting the project will be completed and put into use by the end of <>, so as to implement a new model of community management and property management services that is in line with the characteristics of the "Macao New Neighborhood" and the actual development of the Cooperation Zone, and build the "Macao New Neighborhood" project into a new model for Macao residents to live in.

The "Guangdong-Macao Social Security One-Window Connect" has been put into use, the special cooperation between Guangdong and Macao on vocational skills has been implemented, and cross-border payments for Macao people and enterprises have become more convenient... Recently, Hengqin has continuously improved the "hard foundation" of people's livelihood facilities, promoted the "soft connection" with Macao's public services, and promoted the "heart-to-heart integration" of Hengqin and Macao's people's livelihood. According to the data, more than 7400,1270 Macao residents are currently working, living and residing in the Hengqin In-depth Cooperation Zone, and <>,<> Macao professionals in the fields of medicine, construction and tourism are practicing cross-border in the In-depth Cooperation Zone. "Hengqin has changed a lot in recent years, and more and more Macao residents have come to live in Hengqin, and I am full of confidence in the development of Hengqin." Chan Wai Leung, assistant director of the Guangdong Office of the General Association of Neighborhood Associations of Macau, said.

Reporter Wang Lingxi

Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition