• Denmark The message on Prince Frederik's reappearance to cover up a crisis with his wife after photos with Genoveva
  • The press, in shock Distance and coldness between Frederick and Mary today after the photos of the prince with Genoveva Casanova

The photographic report of Prince Frederick of Denmark and Genoveva Casanova's walk in Madrid continues to generate reactions both in the environment of Cayetano Martínez de Irujo's ex-wife and within the royal family of Denmark. Days after the statement issued by the heads of the institution, the country is experiencing a transcendental week due to the swearing in of the Constitution of the young Christian of Denmark, son of Princes Frederick and Mary Donaldson, today during a Council of State.

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This institutional act is not the only one that keeps public opinion on its toes. The traditional hunt in the Gribskov forests, one of the royal family's favourite events and which this year will take place on Thursday 16 November, has undergone a major modification at the request of Queen Margrethe. If until now and in the past years it has been a meeting in which various media and agencies covered normally, this year will be very different.

Queen Margrethe of Denmark last week. GTRES

According to the Danish media BT, on this occasion the royal house of Denmark itself will be in charge of taking photographs and distributing them and the doors will not be opened to reporters, who in the past could access the enclosure and take photographs independently.

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Hunts in Austria, great plans in Central Europe... This is how the friendship between Genevieve Casanova and Frederick of Denmark was forged

  • Written by: EDUARDO VERBO

Hunts in Austria, great plans in Central Europe... This is how the friendship between Genevieve Casanova and Frederick of Denmark was forged


"Genoveva Casanova is a fan and has a lot of hook with men"

  • Written by: CONSUELO FONT

"Genoveva Casanova is a fan and has a lot of hook with men"

Despite the fact that, as cited by the same media, the reasons behind this decision that marks a before and after in the history of this hunt have not been given, the truth is that there are numerous headlines that point to the fact that Margaret of Denmark would have changed the rules on this occasion in order to protect the battered reputation of her son, marked by the mysterious friendship with Genoveva Casanova and the photographs of both entering the doorway of the Mexican woman's home in Madrid.

  • Denmark
  • Genoveva Casanova