Guangdong has issued the "22 General Artificial Intelligence Development Articles", striving to rank first in the country in terms of intelligent computing power by 2025

Explore the creation of a "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Data Special Zone"

Nanfang Daily News (Reporter/Zhong Zhe) On November 11, the reporter learned from the press conference of the Information Office of the Provincial Government that the "Implementation Opinions of the Guangdong Provincial People's Government on Accelerating the Construction of a Leading Place for Innovation in the General Artificial Intelligence Industry" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Opinions") has been issued. The "Implementation Opinions" put forward 13 opinions such as "building a general artificial intelligence computing power ecology", making it clear that by 22, Guangdong will strive to achieve the largest scale of intelligent computing power in the country and the leading in the world.

Further consolidate the foundation of independent computing power

Artificial intelligence is an important driving force for a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. Since the launch of ChatGPT, general artificial intelligence technology represented by large models and generative AI has set off a wave around the world, and countries have deployed innovative resources such as policies, funds, and talents to accelerate the seizure of the commanding heights in the field of general artificial intelligence.

The "Implementation Opinions" proposes that by 2025, the scale of Guangdong's intelligent computing power will be the first in the country and the world's leading, the general artificial intelligence technology innovation system will be relatively complete, the high-level application scenarios of artificial intelligence will be further expanded, the scale of the core industry will exceed 3000 billion yuan, and the number of enterprises will exceed 2000,<>, data fusion, and application emergence".

Autonomous intelligent computing power is the foundation of artificial intelligence development. At present, Guangdong has major computing facilities platforms such as Pengcheng Laboratory, Shaoguan Data Center Cluster, Hengqin Advanced Intelligent Computing Platform, and Guangzhou-Shenzhen Supercomputing Center.

On this basis, Guangdong will further consolidate the foundation of independent computing power, promote the realization of independent and controllable domestic computing power, strengthen the core role of interconnection, collaborative scheduling and efficient computing of large-scale heterogeneous computing resources such as national intelligent computing centers, supercomputing centers, and data centers, and support the construction of important national tasks such as "Eastern Data and Western Computing" and "China Computing Network".

In the next step, through the research and development of independent computing chips and tool chains, the construction of a complete independent and controllable artificial intelligence software and hardware ecology, and the acceleration of the construction of a national computing power general dispatching center, Guangdong will build a general artificial intelligence computing hub center to promote the formation of significant advantages in the scale of independent intelligent computing power; At the same time, through the key technologies of large models, cutting-edge common key technologies, and safe and credible technologies, breakthrough original achievements and industry applications will be formed to promote the development of Guangdong's general artificial intelligence industry.

It took the lead in proposing the construction of a "special data zone".

In 2022, the scale of Guangdong's core artificial intelligence industry will reach 1500 billion yuan; There are about 17,900 AI-related registered enterprises in the province, and more than <> core enterprises, ranking first in the country.

The "Implementation Opinions" clarify the goals and positioning of the industrial scale and the number of enterprises, and propose to make full use of the major opportunities of building a national new-generation artificial intelligence innovation and development pilot zone and a national artificial intelligence innovation and application pilot zone, promote the construction of a number of key industrial parks and industrial bases, and give full play to the demonstration and leading role of leading artificial intelligence enterprises such as Huawei and Tencent and the new generation of artificial intelligence innovation platforms, continuously enrich application scenarios, promote the application of achievements, and form a good support for industry leadership.

In order to further highlight the characteristics of the coordinated development of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, the "Implementation Opinions" make full use of the advantages of Hong Kong and Macao's systems and resources, take the lead in proposing the construction of a "special data zone", explore the creation of a "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area data special zone", and strive to establish a system of data circulation rules and improve the operation mechanism in the bay area, so as to improve the scale and quality of data in Guangdong's general artificial intelligence.

Guangdong also proposes to build a general artificial intelligence industry agglomeration area, and further strengthen the general artificial intelligence industry agglomeration by optimizing regional layout, industrial base construction, enterprise cultivation and other measures, and form a good industrial development trend of regional linkage, enterprise echelon cultivation, terminal product emergence, and diversified application scenarios; We will build a general artificial intelligence innovation ecosystem, strengthen international exchanges and cooperation by strengthening the supporting role of science and technology finance, and build a computing algorithm trading platform to create a good ecology for the development of general artificial intelligence.