CCTV News (Focus Interview): Since the beginning of this year, China's economic operation has faced an increase in uncertainties, which has had a certain impact on the employment and income of some people. How is China's grain harvest this year? Will the people who have been lifted out of poverty return to poverty? How to ensure the employment of key groups? Is the house occupiable? All of these issues involve the safety and well-being of the masses of the people. What measures have been taken by the relevant departments to address these issues? And what kind of effect did it have? Let's hear their answers.

At present, China's autumn grain harvest has entered the final stage. This year, China's grain production has suffered such disasters as a rare "bad rain" in the Huanghuai region, severe floods in North and Northeast China, and local droughts in the northwest.

Tang Renjian, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: "At present, everyone can rest assured that the annual grain harvest is expected to be bumper and continue to increase." Grain output will continue to remain above 1.3 trillion catties, and is expected to hit a record high. ”

Tang Renjian said that this year, some areas of China have suffered more serious disasters, but they still have achieved bumper harvests, first of all, thanks to the fact that the central government attaches great importance to grain production and has laid a solid foundation for a bumper harvest. All localities have tightened and consolidated the responsibility of the party and government for food security, and have done everything possible to stabilize the grain area, and the increase in production across the country has made up for local losses. This year, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs launched an action to increase the yield of major crops such as grain and oil. The overall integration of more than 200 billion yuan, focusing on 100 soybean and 200 corn producing counties. In the past, the yields of many varieties in the experimental demonstration fields were very high, but as soon as they arrived in the field, they dropped a lot, and this year the situation has changed greatly.

Tang Renjian: "In view of this gap, we find the shortcomings and weaknesses in the whole field and the whole link of farming, planting, management, harvesting, land, planting, fertilizer and medicine, and come up with a comprehensive solution of good land, good seeds, good methods, good systems and good opportunities, and integrated assembly. Experts estimate that the increase in yields in 300 key counties has contributed more than 73 percent to the increase in grain production, which has effectively hedged the impact of disasters. ”

Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has made every effort to do a good job in the work of agriculture, rural areas and rural areas with rural revitalization as the focus, and the development of agriculture and rural areas has shown a steady and positive trend, and the construction of livable and workable and beautiful villages has been promoted in an orderly manner. In the first three quarters, the added value of the agricultural and sideline food processing industry continued to grow, and the online retail sales of agricultural products maintained double-digit growth, driving the real growth of farmers' income by 7.3 percent, 2.6 percentage points faster than the growth rate of urban residents' income.

This is located in Yongren County, Chuxiong Prefecture, Yunnan Province, on the bank of the Jinsha River, where more than 4,5 acres of late-ripening mangoes on the plateau are ripening one after another. Li Ping and his wife, who have been lifted out of poverty, have been working in this mango base for five years.

After poverty alleviation at the end of 2019, the local government innovatively built the "Happiness Lane" community platform, established an information database, and provided "butler" and "order-based" employment guarantees according to the needs of enterprises, so as to help people out of poverty increase their income. Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has further improved and improved the monitoring and assistance mechanism for preventing the return to poverty, from the discovery of the risk of returning to poverty to the identification and identification to the implementation of assistance, generally no more than one month. At present, 1.63% of the monitored subjects have eliminated the risk of returning to poverty, and the rest have implemented assistance measures.

Tang Renjian: "Highlight the employment assistance of the industry, and promote the bridging subsidy funds for industrial development of more than 60%. The number of laborers lifted out of poverty reached 3297.3000 million, exceeding the annual target of 14 million people. Last year, the income of people lifted out of poverty increased by 3.<> percent year-on-year. ”

Employment is the most basic livelihood of the people. This year, China's economic operation is facing more uncertainties, and the employment situation has attracted much attention. "Raising the stability of employment to a strategic level and taking into account the overall situation" is a new requirement put forward by the Politburo meeting of the CPC Central Committee in July this year. From January to September this year, 7.1 million new jobs were created in China's urban areas, completing 9% of the annual target task. The employment of young people such as college graduates has been basically stable and continues to improve, the scale of rural labor force going out to work has continued to increase, and 1022.85 million people who have been lifted out of poverty have increased their income.

Wang Xiaoping, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security: "The Party Central Committee and the State Council have given priority to employment in economic and social development, and have made great efforts to promote it in all aspects. ”

China's GDP grew by 5.2% year-on-year in the first three quarters, which has become the key to driving employment growth. At the macro policy level, China's financial department has introduced and improved relevant policies to reduce the burden on business entities. From January to August, more than 1.8 trillion yuan of new tax and fee reductions and tax refunds and deferrals were added across the country, stimulating the vitality of enterprises and boosting market confidence.

Lan Fo'an, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Finance: "The Ministry of Finance resolutely implements the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, conscientiously organizes and implements active fiscal policies, focuses on the bottom line of people's livelihood protection, increases well-being, implements the policy of giving priority to detailed employment, supports enterprises to reduce burdens and stabilize jobs, and helps key groups to find employment and start businesses." ”

Only when the burden on the business entity is lightened can more jobs be provided. This year, China has introduced a series of policies and measures to stabilize employment to promote the formation of a virtuous circle of high-quality development and employment expansion and quality improvement.

Wang Xiaoping: "To solve the employment problem, we must fundamentally rely on economic development. The State Council has clarified the follow-up arrangements for the phased policies that will expire this year and next year as soon as possible, and launched a number of effective measures to accelerate the promotion of new industrialization, promote the high-quality development of key industrial chains in the manufacturing industry, promote the development and growth of the private economy, and restore and expand consumption, so as to promote the continuous improvement of economic operation and the driving force of economic and social development and employment. ”

Since the beginning of this year, governments at all levels have directly supported employment and entrepreneurship with more than 2000 billion yuan. Human resources and social security departments at all levels continue to build an employment service model of "big data + iron footboard", and employment service activities such as the "Spring Breeze Action" have been carried out at a high frequency, and the scale of subsidized vocational skills training has exceeded 1300 million person-times.

Jiang Linxin is a sales manager of a medical device trading company in Suzhou, and he graduated from university this year. Half a year ago, he was also part of the army of job seekers. Just when Jiang Linxin was worried about his work, the staff of the Yulan Community Employment Service Station where he worked called him.

The Jiangsu Human Resources and Social Security Integrated Information Platform has formed a model of interconnection and sharing from the provincial level to villages and communities, which is convenient for job seekers to match supply and demand and connect people and posts through the network. In response to Jiang Linxin's situation, the service station recommended corresponding skills training courses to him, and in the end, Jiang Linxin was successfully employed.

With the continuous improvement of the employment assistance system, the employment of the urban and rural people in difficulty has been actively guaranteed. Wang Xiaoping said that in the next step, the human resources and social security department will accelerate the construction of a high-quality and full employment work system with departmental coordination and system linkage, and promote the continuous improvement of the employment situation.

Wang Xiaoping: "From the trend point of view, the momentum of economic recovery will continue to consolidate, and the positive factors for stabilizing employment continue to accumulate, and we are full of confidence in maintaining the stability of the employment situation." At the same time, although the total demand for jobs in the market is more than the number of job seekers, there is still a certain gap between the people's expectations for work income, social security, and stable development. ”

In addition to employment, housing is also one of the most concerned issues for ordinary people. Since the beginning of this year, the relationship between supply and demand in China's real estate market has undergone major changes. For real estate, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to it. From last year to this year, from departments to localities, a series of optimization policies to stabilize real estate have been introduced. Judging from the initial situation of implementation now, positive effects are gradually emerging.

Pan Gongsheng, Governor of the People's Bank of China and Director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange: "Since the beginning of this year, the financial sector has taken comprehensive measures from both the supply and demand ends, and has introduced a number of financial policies to better meet the demand for rigid and improved housing, and promote the acceleration of the construction of a new development model for the real estate industry. The reduction in the interest rate of the first home loan of the stock has benefited 5000 million households and 1 million people, saving about 5 billion yuan in interest expenses of households every year. ”

Ni Hong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development: "From the data point of view, policy measures such as "recognising housing and not recognising loans", reducing the proportion of down payments and interest rates have had a positive effect, from January to October, although the first-hand housing transactions declined, the second-hand housing transactions rose, and the second-hand houses together achieved positive growth year-on-year. ”

Ni Hong introduced that at present, the work of "ensuring the delivery of buildings" in various places is being solidly promoted, which has also led to a positive year-on-year growth of nearly 20% in the area of housing completions across the country, which also reflects the effect of local governments in helping real estate enterprises to bail out.

Ni Hong: "We will treat all people equally, meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises of different ownership, and promote a virtuous cycle of finance and real estate." So in the new model, real estate enterprises should also have a clear understanding, now to fight for high quality, new technology and good service, who can build a good house for the masses, who can provide good services to the masses, who will have a market, who will have development. ”

In July this year, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Actively and Steadily Promoting the Transformation of Urban Villages in Super Megacities", which is an important livelihood project and a solution to the problem of "urgency, difficulty and longing" of the masses, which can improve the living environment, promote industrial transformation and upgrading, and promote the high-quality development of cities.

On the morning of November 11, seven urban village reconstruction projects in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province started in a centralized manner. The urban village reconstruction project that started this time organically combines the transformation of urban villages with real estate market regulation, guaranteed delivery, expropriation and resettlement, rectification, etc., mainly for the demolition and new projects that have been demolished and implemented in the early stage, with a total construction of about 8.7 million square meters of resettlement houses, a total investment of 163.8 billion yuan, and the construction will be completed by the end of 127.

In addition to the transformation of urban villages, this year the central government has also made major decisions and arrangements for the planning and construction of affordable housing and the construction of "peacetime and emergency" public infrastructure, which have now been gradually implemented. Ni Hong introduced that the planning and construction of affordable housing is a major reform to improve the housing system and supply system, and reconstruct the relationship between the market and security.

Ni Hong: "The focus of this reform is to expand the allocation of affordable housing, the ultimate goal is to achieve the basic needs of the government to protect the masses, the market to meet the multi-level housing needs of the masses, and the establishment of a new housing system that combines rental and purchase." The party committees and governments of cities should shoulder the main responsibility and solve the housing problem of the masses, especially the housing problem of new citizens and young people, so that they can free their hands and feet and strive for a better life. ”

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "Protecting and improving people's livelihood is a long-term task, with no end point, only a continuous new starting point. From the interview, we can see that this year, in the face of the complex and severe international environment and the arduous and arduous tasks of domestic reform, development and stability, the party and the government still regard "protecting the people's livelihood" as an important task, taking real money and real measures to effectively solve the problems of the people's "urgency, hardship and longing", and try their best to meet people's needs for a better life. We are in the same boat through thick and thin, and the future can be expected. (CCTV)