, November 11 The National Health Commission held a press conference on the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in winter on the 13th, Wang Dayan, director of the National Influenza Center of the Institute of Viral Diseases of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said at the meeting that influenza vaccination is an effective means to prevent influenza and reduce influenza-related severe disease and death.

Wang Dayan introduced, China's winter and spring influenza epidemic season is generally from mid to late October to early March of the following year, generally peaked around January, recent influenza surveillance data in China show that China's southern provinces, northern provinces influenza activities are on the rise, the southern provinces are higher than the northern provinces, all parts of China are gradually entering the influenza season, the current epidemic influenza strain is dominated by A(H10N3) subtype.

Wang Dayan said that influenza vaccination is an effective means to prevent influenza and reduce influenza-related severe disease and death, and the state has put forward clear requirements for strengthening influenza vaccination, guiding all localities to actively do a good job in influenza vaccination-related services in accordance with the principle of informed consent. By increasing service hours and time-sharing appointments, we will continue to improve the quality of influenza vaccination services. It is important to do a good job in vaccinating high-risk groups and high-risk groups in places where medical personnel, the elderly aged 60 and above, patients with chronic diseases, elderly care institutions, long-term care institutions, welfare homes and other crowd gathering places, employees, children aged 6 months to 5 years old, family members and caregivers of infants under 6 months old, childcare institutions, primary and secondary schools, supervision sites and other key places and high-risk groups.

Wang Dayan mentioned that according to relevant information, the production and supply of vaccines this year have increased compared with last year, which can meet the demand for vaccination. It should be reminded here that the recipient should truthfully inform the vaccinator whether there are contraindications to influenza vaccination and the health status of the body before vaccination, especially special circumstances such as fever and acute diseases, and stay on the spot for 30 minutes after vaccination, and pay attention to rest, light diet, avoid strenuous exercise after returning home, if there are abnormal symptoms, you can consult and report to the vaccination staff, and if necessary, go to a standardized medical institution for treatment.