Demonstrations and vigils continued in African and international cities to condemn the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, which entered its 36th day, leaving 11,4506 martyrs, including 27,<> children, and more than <>,<> wounded, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza.

  • Britain

In London, the Stop the War Coalition organized a mass demonstration attended by hundreds of thousands under the slogan "National March for Palestine."

Participants carried Palestinian flags and banners condemning what they described as genocide and ethnic cleansing of the population of the Gaza Strip.

🚨A million-man demonstration in London in solidarity with Palestine 🇵🇸

— Britain in Arabic🇬🇧 (@TheUKAr) November 11, 2023

  • Tunisia

Hundreds of Tunisians also demonstrated in the center of the capital in victory for the Palestinian cause and demanding a law criminalizing normalization with Israel.

The march was organized by the National Committee for the Support of Resistance in Palestine (a coalition of parties, organizations and unions) that started from Passage Square and headed to the French embassy to denounce the French authorities' support for the Israeli aggression on Gaza.

  • France

Several French cities also witnessed demonstrations in support of the Palestinian cause, demanding a ceasefire and condemning the daily bombardment of the Gaza Strip.

Demonstrations have been going on the French street for weeks to denounce the army's practices against civilians in the Gaza Strip in conjunction with the siege imposed on it for years.

A huge demonstration in the heart of the capital of #فرنسا #باريس in support of the #فلسطين and condemning the crimes of the Israeli occupation

— EL BILAD – ALBILAD (@El_Bilade) November 11, 2023

  • Italy

In northern Italy, hundreds demonstrated in Milan to denounce the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip.

The demonstrators demanded that the Israeli occupation be held accountable for its massacres of civilians in the Strip, and that the crossings be opened and the siege on Gaza be lifted.

  • South Africa

In Cape Town, South Africa, thousands gathered on Saturday for a mass demonstration in solidarity with the residents of the Gaza Strip and to denounce the crimes of the Israeli occupation in the territory.

🇵🇸🇿🇦 Live from Cape Town
South Africa stands with Palestine!

— Faeeq (@M_Faeeq_) November 11, 2023

  • Belgium

In the Belgian capital, Brussels, demonstrations took place demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and accountability for war crimes by Israel.

The demonstrators demanded that the government seek a ceasefire and hold Israel accountable for committing war crimes in Gaza, and denounced the positions issued by the European Union and its officials.

  • Austria

Hundreds demonstrated in the Austrian capital Vienna to condemn the massacres committed by the Israeli occupation in the Gaza Strip.

The demonstrators waved the Palestinian flag and banners calling for the freedom of Palestine, the lifting of the siege on the Gaza Strip, and the accountability of the Israeli occupation.

  • Germany

The European Palestinian Media Center also published a video clip of a solidarity stand in the German capital, Berlin, to introduce the Palestinian cause and the crimes of the Israeli occupation in the Gaza Strip.

  • Denmark

The Danish capital Copenhagen witnessed a demonstration demanding an end to the Israeli war on Gaza.
Demonstrations roamed the city's main squares and streets.

The participants demanded the need to stop the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip, and raised the flags of the State of Palestine and affirmed their support for the Palestinian people.

In the Danish city of Odense, hundreds of demonstrators waving Palestinian flags marched to demand a ceasefire in Gaza.

  • Finland

A mass march took place in the streets of the Finnish capital, Helsinki, on Saturday, in support of Palestine and to demand an end to the violations of the occupation against children and women in Gaza.

  • Northern Ireland

Thousands also rallied in the capital of Northern Ireland, Belfast, in support of the Palestinian cause and to demand a ceasefire.

The videos showed the participants wrapping around the large Palestinian flag, chanting slogans of solidarity with Gaza and others demanding an end to the wounds of the Israeli occupation.

  • Indonesia

In Indonesia, thousands of residents of the central central island of Central Java city of Jugjakarta marched in solidarity to denounce the Israeli aggression and ground invasion of the Gaza Strip.

The participants in the march called on the Indonesian government and Arab and Islamic countries to take concrete steps to pressure Israel by various political and economic means, to stop the series of violations against the Palestinian people and prevent their displacement from their land again.

  • Chad

Hundreds of Chadians also gathered, on Saturday morning, in the southwestern city of N'Djamena, to show solidarity with Palestine, denounce the aggression of the Israeli occupation in Gaza, and call for the protection of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The participants waved a huge Palestinian flag and chanted slogans rejecting the continued Israeli bombardment in Gaza and demanding an immediate cessation of aggression.