On Friday morning, a traffic accident occurred with several people involved south of Skellefteå. Several vehicles ended up in the ditch and shortly afterwards a bus was involved in a consequential accident.

The police have issued a fixed fine to the driver of the bus for failing to adjust the distance.

"We've been in talks with the driver and tried to talk through what happened," says production manager Christoffer Wadén.

Two chauffeurs out of service

It is the third accident in less than a week in the county. Two accidents occurred with Skellefteå Buss vehicles. The third, an accident outside Norsjö, involved a private school bus.

The driver of the bus on Saturday, in which an 18-year-old man died and another teenager was injured, has not returned to work yet. The driver who drove the bus on Friday has been taken off.

"We don't need to cancel any shifts, but it's not sustainable in the long run to have several out of service. The industry is already affected by a lack of resources," says Christoffer Wadén.

"Safety must come first"

The weather has been bad and slippery in connection with the accidents. If there is anything else behind the events will be departed.

"It's important that you feel safe as a traveller. Safety should always come first. The timetable is not the most important thing.