• Justice The chief prosecutor of the Court saw "terrorism" in Tsunami and rectified it three days after 23-J
  • The Prosecutor's Office defended in July that the investigation into Tsunami Democràtic was for "terrorism" and later said that it did so by "mistake"

The Public Prosecutor's Office of the National Court has appealed this Friday the order that attributes crimes of terrorism to Carles Puigdemont and others involved in the Tsunami Democràtic movement.

The brief filed against the decision of Judge Manuel García Castellón argues that the four years of investigation "have not yielded elements that allow sustaining the existence of a criminal organization or group, nor its terrorist nature, which is what would justify the jurisdiction of the National Court." It therefore asks the Criminal Chamber of the High Court to revoke the order and order the case to be sent to the courts of Catalonia.

The appeal comes after the Prosecutor's Office argued last July that there were indications of terrorism. Subsequently, the chief prosecutor, who had approved the letter, said that it had been "a mistake".

The Prosecutor considers that in the facts collected in the case, there has been no evidence of "hierarchies, or distribution of functions among those investigated, nor the existence of a governing body, nor the concerted perpetration of different criminal acts, necessary requirements, according to the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court, to be faced with a criminal organization".

He explains that the only criminal acts that can be deduced from the actions would be those carried out at El Prat airport and at the border post of La Junquera, "constituting serious public disorder, after the repeal of sedition".

  • Carles Puigdemont
  • Supreme Court
  • Justice
  • National Appellate Court