The newly formed government may affect the confidence of the Social Democrats in future coalition formations. There could also be a risk that the Social Democrats will lose the post of mayor if this newly formed coalition cracks, according to political scientist Erik Wångmar.

"Then M will get the post and there are relatively good chances of getting C on board. The voters will probably be able to make a change, but if there are more, it could affect confidence", says Erik Wångmar, political scientist at Linnaeus University.

When the new coalition was announced on Wednesday, Ulrik Brandén (M) said that "It is not so important who governs, but to get something done. This is something that political scientist Wångmar reacts to.

"It's a very strange statement because why would they be so keen to govern if it doesn't matter," says Erik Wångmar.

Hear more of the political scientist's thoughts on the political divorce in the clip above.