It is noted that in the near future, such weapons can seriously change the situation on the battlefield and prove themselves where the Lancets of previous versions did not show.

"After the advent of the Lancets with an automatic recognition and targeting system, the Russian military began to use a version with a thermal imager, with which operators of loitering munitions will be able to strike targets at night. Judging by the footage that is at the disposal of the Military Chronicle, the technology of working at night is only being worked out, but drones are used not at the training ground, but against targets in the NWO zone," the material says.

As the Military Chronicle points out, the idea of creating a loitering munition capable of hitting targets at night rested on the need to create an inexpensive thermal imager, and at this stage, the problem, apparently, has been solved.

With the advent of thermal imagers in drones, the Armed Forces of Ukraine actually lose the ability to operate safely in the dark. First of all, this applies to logistics, rotations, evacuation of the wounded and delivery of ammunition.

"Secondly, the use of Lancets with a thermal imager allows you to change the scheme of combat use on the go. If earlier the active work of UAV operators of this type made it possible to hit enemy targets only during the day, now the reconnaissance and fire circuit closes on one device and expands the operator's ability to hit targets," the article adds.

At the same time, in winter, UAVs with thermal imagers will be able to see everything that radiates heat, such as stoves, generators, camouflaged equipment, and dugouts. This, in turn, may lead to an increase in the destruction of equipment and positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In such a scenario, the choice of the Ukrainian military will be reduced to two options: either to complicate camouflage (use thermal insulation, etc.), or to freeze on the front line, which will lead to additional losses.

Earlier, RT war correspondent Valentin Gorshenin showed a video of a precise hit of the Lancet on the armored vehicles of Ukrainian troops.