He said this in a video published on Telegram.

"Almost every day we work to get the support of our partners to finance the budget deficit. We expect to receive $5.4 billion from the IMF, €18 billion in financial assistance from the EU, and more than $10 billion from the United States," he said.

He also added that the Ukrainian side expects additional budget support from Japan, Great Britain, Sweden, Portugal and other countries.

Earlier, Verkhovna Rada deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak said that Ukrainian deputies adopted in the final reading the country's draft budget for 2024 with a deficit of 1.57 trillion hryvnias (more than $43 billion).

In September, the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Finance, Serhiy Marchenko, noted that at the moment the Ukrainian budget is able to cover only military spending, and all other items are financed by the money of Kiev's partners.