Several false alarms have flourished in the past week in Västerås. The most recent was about a person with a weapon who allegedly entered a building where Jensen Elementary School, Carlforsska Upper Secondary School Economics and Business School and Lidmanska Upper Secondary School are located.

"The strange thing in this context is that the more of the false alarms we get, the better we are if we were to get a live alarm.

"This was a sharp alarm, the person who had received it had made the assessment that there was a need for an effort from the police, rescue services and ambulance.

More than 300 people, pupils and staff, were housed in the school building. At a quarter past three o'clock, the police were able to establish that the danger was over and that no one had been injured. A report of false alarms has now been drawn up.

The Director of Security in the City of Västerås is now sending a call to children and young people:

"You have to be critical of sources," says Mikael Lagergren.