It was in 2021 that the son told a teacher that his mother had beaten him that the investigation into the assault started. During interrogation, both he and his sister told of violence.

"She took the slipper off her foot and hit it really hard. She calls it punishment," the son says in an interview.

He also recounts an incident when his mother pulled his hair a month earlier.

"As I remember it, the mother denied the crime and claimed that this had never happened," says prosecutor Kristin Andersson.

The testimony of the M-politician

During the trial, M-politician Eva Alriksson testified and described herself as an extra mother to the family. Alriksson is said to have said that the mother was soft and present, and described the boy as imaginative.

The mother was convicted of two counts of assault against her son, which is unusual according to the prosecutor.

Why this case was different, you can hear in the clip above.