• Events Vidal-Quadras assassination attempt: Iranian suspicion, a "professional" gunman and a twist of the neck that could have saved his life
  • Politics Vox's Iranian Financiers Are Ex-Terrorists Rehabilitated With A Cheque Book

The agents of the Information Brigade specialized in terrorism continue to investigate the shooting of the former president of the PPC and founder of Vox Alejo Vidal-Quadras, after he assured that the Iranian regime could be behind the attack suffered this Thursday because of its links with the opposition. In fact, other Iranian dissidents and opponents of Tehran have been the target of terrorist attacks in the US and Europe, and some of these attacks were also against Western citizens and were entrusted to hitmen.

Agents of the Scientific Police are also working on these investigations, who have been in the area of Núñez de Balboa on Friday morning to verify if there are cameras that could have recorded the author of the shots and his accomplice. In several cases, they have requested the recordings of the last 15 days to find out if people with the gunman's physical characteristics have been in that area where Vidal-Quadras lives. The shooter was wearing a black helmet, wearing jeans and was not very big, according to witnesses. After the shot, he left in the direction of Hermosilla Street, where the driver of a black Yamaha motorcycle was waiting for him.

They are also trying to find out the route that the Yamaha motorcycle used by the gunmen may have taken by viewing the traffic security cameras of Madrid and the General Directorate of Traffic.

Yesterday after the event, a burned motorcycle was found in Fuenlabrada, a municipality of Madrid located 30 kilometers from the capital. That vehicle is a BMW and is not the one used in the attack on Vidal-Quadras, according to police sources. It is in the name of a Spanish citizen residing in Mijas (Málaga).

Sources in the investigation have indicated that although the V Homicide Group began the investigations, it will be the members of the intelligence services of the Superior Headquarters of the Madrid Police, experts in terrorism and other radical and violent groups, who are already carrying the weight of the investigations to clarify the circumstances of the shooting.

The sources consulted have confirmed that yesterday, no investigative team took a statement from Vidal-Quadras, although his version was transferred to the Police once he was out of danger. In it, the former politician pointed out as the main hypothesis that he could have been the victim of a hitman and recalled his deep relationship with the Iranian exile, a version that fits with that offered by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) itself, with links for many years with Alejo Vidal-Quadras and financier of the Vox campaign in the 2014 elections. who has not hesitated to describe the attack as "terrorist". Officers are expected to take a statement from Vidal-Quadras at the hospital once doctors authorize it.

The police are also analyzing the projectile found at the scene of the incident, which corresponds to a 9-millimeter Parabellum pistol, a weapon usually used by hitmen to commit crimes.

What has been ruled out by the investigators is that the content of a pen drive that was provided this Thursday to the Police by a citizen who, according to the sources consulted, had recorded some images in the Fuenlabrada industrial estate where the burned motorcycle was found is relevant. After viewing the contents of this device, the agents have not found anything substantial for the ongoing investigation, so they have discarded it.

Medical report

The former president of the Catalan PP Alejo Vidal-Quadras is "in a stable and non-life-threatening situation" after undergoing surgery on Thursday at the Gregorio Marañón Hospital in Madrid, according to the hospital. The former politician was admitted to the hospital on Thursday for a gunshot wound after being shot in the face by a person who fled the scene, on Madrid's Núñez de Balboa street, riding a motorcycle driven by another person.

He underwent surgery due to a double mandibular fracture and this Friday he is admitted to post-surgical care. His condition is stable and not life-threatening, according to the medical report provided by the hospital.

The bullet caused a wound with an entry and exit hole at the level of the jaw, although Vidal-Quadras remained conscious, although with abundant blood when he was treated by the emergency services.

  • Fuenlabrada
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  • Rivas Vaciamadrid
  • Velilla de San Antonio
  • People's Party of Catalonia
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