It was the National Association of Grunden Sweden, for people with intellectual disabilities, that started the Grunden union and which is aimed at people who work in daily activities. The first local club started in Gothenburg and the second is now in Karlshamn.

"I think it's important that those of us who work in daily activities have the right to the same opportunities as all other workers," says Andreas Pettersson, who is chairman of the National Association of Grunden Sweden and initiator of the newly started union in Karlshamn.

SVT Nyheter Blekinge met him earlier when he was planning to start the local club. An initiative that has now become a reality.

"It feels good," says Andreas Pettersson.

The right to time off in lieu and holiday pay are some of the issues the club will pursue in the future.

"It's great, because this is important," says Hanna Kajsajuntti, who is one of those involved in the club.