UNRWA = United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, which supports Palestinian refugees, announced on the 10th that the total number of UN staff and staff who have died in the Gaza Strip since the 7th of last month has reached 101.

In addition, the Israeli army has notified residents of the northern Gaza Strip to evacuate to the south, and many people have continued to evacuate for 10 days. OCHA = United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs says that more than 6.150 million people, more than 11% of the population, have already been displaced in the Gaza Strip since the series of clashes began.

* We will update you on developments related to Israel and Palestine on November 11 (Japan time) from time to time.

table of contents

  • Israeli poll "62% support ceasefire, including with conditions"

  • 101 UN staff killed in Gaza Strip, UNRWA says

  • More than 5,<> people evacuated to the south of the northern Gaza Strip, OCHA estimates

  • Boy evacuated from northern Gaza: 'He was also targeted along the way'

Open Table of Contents

table of contents

table of contents

  • Israeli poll "62% support ceasefire, including with conditions"

  • 101 UN staff killed in Gaza Strip, UNRWA says

  • More than 5,<> people evacuated to the south of the northern Gaza Strip, OCHA estimates

  • Boy evacuated from northern Gaza: 'He was also targeted along the way'

Israeli poll "62% support ceasefire, including with conditions"

The latest poll reported by Israeli media found that more than 6 percent of respondents said they would support a ceasefire, including conditional conditions such as the release of hostages.

According to a poll published online by the Israeli newspaper Malib on the 9th, 62% of respondents said that there should be a ceasefire over the fighting with the Islamic group Hamas and others in the Gaza Strip.

The breakdown was as follows:
39% cited the release of all hostages as a condition, 16% cited the release of some hostages, 4% cited information on hostages, and 3%

said an unconditional ceasefire.

On the other hand, 30% of respondents said they would oppose a ceasefire under any circumstances.

When asked whether he would be more suited to be prime minister, former Defense Minister Gantz and former Defense Minister Gantz, the leader of the opposition party, hit a record high of 52 percent, while Netanyahu received 26 percent.

101 UN staff killed in Gaza Strip, UNRWA says

UNRWA = United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, which supports Palestinian refugees, announced on the 10th that the total number of UN staff and staff who have died in the Gaza Strip since the 7th of last month has reached 101.

UNRWA released a video with the names of those who died, saying: "They were teachers, health workers, technicians, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters, husbands and wives. Without them, UNRWA will never be able to go back to normal."

More than 5,<> people evacuated to the south of the northern Gaza Strip, OCHA estimates

As the Israeli military instructed residents in the northern Gaza Strip to evacuate to the south, Reuters on the 10th distributed footage of evacuees filmed in the central Gaza Strip.

In the video, you can see people walking along Salahaddin Street, which the Israeli army has designated as an evacuation route, with backpacks and large bags walking all the way.

Some of them are walking with small children in their arms or on their shoulders, while others are moving in wheelchairs.

OCHA = United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs estimates that more than 9,1 people traveled to the south on foot or by donkey on the 5th alone.

In the Gaza Strip, more than 6.150 million people, more than 2% of the population, are believed to have been forced to flee their homes, and two new evacuation centers have been opened in the central region.

On the other hand, according to OCHA, hundreds of thousands of people remain in the north, and it is difficult to secure the minimum water and food to survive.

Boy evacuated from northern Gaza: 'He was also targeted along the way'

The Israeli military has notified residents of the northern Gaza Strip to evacuate to the south, and many people have continued to evacuate for 10 days.

Footage taken by NHK in Rafah in the southern part of the country shows people evacuating from the north on foot with limited luggage that can fit in backpacks and handbags. A boy who fled said, "A school run by the United Nations was also attacked, shots were shot, and we were targeted on the road."

Another woman said, "The school at the evacuation center was also damaged by the Israeli airstrike, and we have been evacuating since 6 in the morning.