Updated Monday,6November2023-09:30

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José Manuel De Pedre felt that his skills as Repsol's sales representative in A Coruña and his knowledge of energy efficiency could be useful to help outside his professional field, in social projects. That is why he turned to Fundación Repsol to tackle a challenging project: to ensure that Mensajeros de la Paz managed to reduce its energy costs.

In 2021, the project began in which José Manuel, along with two other co-workers, audited the headquarters of Mensajeros de la Paz in Madrid, an entity that aims to develop social projects aimed at people at risk of exclusion. As De Pedre points out, "we saw that there were, on the one hand, investments in energy efficiency that could be made, and on the other, it was necessary to raise awareness among the volunteers and workers of the entity".

After an energy study, some measures were put in place, such as changing conventional lighting for LED lighting systems, purchasing energy-efficient appliances and training talks for members of Mensajeros de la Paz on how to make a more responsible use of energy. In one year they managed to save about 7,000 euros, money that went to social projects. Given the success achieved at the headquarters, these measures are currently being replicated in other centres of the entity.

José Manuel De Pedre's story is just one example of what is known as "professional volunteering", where employees of companies such as Repsol contribute theirknowledge and experience in social projects. For José Manuel, this experience was enriching both personally and professionally, and as he himself says: "This project has allowed me to discover that there are other worlds that we sometimes don't know about, but that are there. The future lies in a fairer and more inclusive society."

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