The County Administrative Board of Västernorrland is now issuing a warning about difficult weather conditions during the coming weekend as well.

The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) has issued a yellow warning for snowfall in combination with fresh winds from the northeast, from Friday afternoon to Saturday morning.

It is mainly the easternmost parts of the county that are affected. Around 10-20 centimetres of wet snow or rain is expected there, which could put a strain on areas already affected by flooding after last weekend's intense rainfall.

Many are affected at the same time

"On occasions like this, society's crisis preparedness is put to the test, because there are often a lot of people who are affected at the same time," says Anton Hörnqvist, regional operations manager at the emergency services, to SVT.

According to SMHI's forecasts, there may be as much as 40-50 mm of rain during the warning period, which can cause flooding problems.

"The warnings issued by SMHI are consequence-based and take into account the situation on the ground and terrain. So the situation is probably a little better now than before last weekend, he continues.

In this video, Anton Hörnqvist talks about how you can prepare for weather warnings like this.