Now the Tenants' Association demands that the return requirement from the company to the municipality be removed in order to keep rents down.

"We've approached politicians about this. It's terrible, says Henrik Voxlin, Tenants' Association in Karlstad.

Wants to raise rents sharply

At the same time, the housing company now wants to raise rents. One motion calls for rent increases of an average of 10.6 per cent.

"Completely unreasonable," says Henrik Voxlin.

Tomas Riste (S), who is chairman of KBAB, says that the company will report worse results than in previous years and that 10.6 percent reflects the cost increases that it has had.

– Increased operating costs, higher interest rates, high maintenance needs.

Reasonable, according to the municipal commissioner

Anders Tallgren (S), who is a municipal commissioner and chairman of Karlstad City Hall, which is responsible for the municipal companies, says that it is reasonable that some of the money that Karlstad residents have invested in the housing company goes back to Karlstad residents' activities. But that it has not been decided if or how much dividend KBAB will give to Karlstad municipality on the 2023 results.