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Attack in Berlin-Moabit: Police apparently investigate (symbolic image)

Photo: Friso Gentsch / dpa

According to his own statements, the Berlin Green MP Jian Omar was attacked by a person with a hammer and racially insulted in his constituency office in the Berlin district of Moabit. He did not suffer any physical injuries. "I have filed a complaint," Omar said in the evening on the news service X.

Because of the political motivation of the crime and the incitement to hatred, the police had also informed the state security and started investigations. A passer-by intervened and stood by his side. The police did not initially confirm the incident when asked in the evening.

The leaders of the Greens in the House of Representatives, Bettina Jarasch and Werner Graf, condemned the attack on Friday evening. "The hammer attack shows that we live in a climate of hatred that we must all confront," they said. "Fortunately, everyone was physically unharmed."
