Under the IPEF = Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, an economic partnership framework in which Japan, the United States, and other countries participate, we learned that the United States and Japan are coordinating in the direction of providing new financial assistance to support decarbonization efforts in emerging countries.

The IPEF is an economic partnership framework in which 14 countries, including Japan, the United States, India, and Australia, participate, and aims to strengthen cooperation in four areas with a view to countering China's growing influence in the Indo-Pacific region.

According to the people involved, a new fund has been established to support decarbonization efforts in emerging countries, and coordination is underway to provide financial assistance of 4 million US dollars each to the United States and Japan.

In the area of supply chains, in order to accelerate cooperation among IPEF member countries, we are considering setting up a new regular meeting next year to discuss concrete measures to strengthen supply chains of critical minerals such as lithium.

Competition between China and China over critical minerals is intensifying, and discussions are expected to proceed on issues such as sharing information on mineral exploration and improving environmental and labor standards for sustainable development.

These are expected to be announced at the IPEF ministerial-level meeting and summit in the United States next week.