Hezbollah announced that it targeted with three attack marches the Yiftach Kaddish barracks and a concentration of Israeli forces east of the settlement of Hatsudet Yoshua off the central sector of southern Lebanon, and mourned seven of its fighters who were killed in Israeli shelling.

The party said that it targeted with rockets gatherings of Israeli soldiers in "Birkat Risha", "Horsh Al-Dhaira", Al-Assi and Ramim sites.

An Israeli drone also bombed two houses in the town of Aita al-Shaab without causing injuries, an Israeli fighter jet raided the vicinity of the town of Houla, and Israeli artillery shelled the vicinity of several towns in the central and western sectors of southern Lebanon.

On the other hand, Al Jazeera's correspondent in southern Lebanon reported that the Lebanese Hezbollah mourned 7 of its fighters who were martyred in the Israeli bombardment that targeted its positions.

Hezbollah also announced that its fighters targeted with rockets a gathering of Israeli occupation soldiers near the Orontes site opposite the town of Mays al-Jabal in southern Lebanon, confirming that direct hits were achieved at the site.

The correspondent of Al Jazeera said that the Israeli artillery shelled the vicinity of the town of Mays al-Jabal with a number of shells. On Friday morning, Hezbollah released a video it said was to target its fighters on Thursday the Israeli military site of Metulla, and the footage showed rockets fired towards the site and directly hit its technical equipment.