While a number of actors have begun to evade Israel's narrative about the war on Gaza, actress Gal Gadot, the protagonist of "Wonder Woman," is pushing back to promote Tel Aviv's position in Hollywood despite being criticized.

Gadot organized a 47-minute video show from the battles on October 7, 2023 in Los Angeles, USA, and invited 120 Hollywood celebrities, including actors, actresses, producers and executives, to attend.

Oscar-winning director Guy Nativ, who led the initiative, revealed that "Gal Gadot and her husband Yaron Farsano helped make it happen."

Gadot did not attend the event organized by the "Hollywood Reporter", as the square outside the Museum of Tolerance, which witnessed clashes between different groups, in the presence of a number of Israeli officials, led by Tel Aviv's ambassador to America, Michael Herzog.

#BREAKING: Two groups clash outside L.A.'s Museum of Tolerance as the center screens a film on Hamas atrocities. LAPD officers move in as several people appear to have been punched and pepper-sprayed. Eyewitness News is live with the tense situation. Tonight at 11 from ABC7 pic.twitter.com/JJSpV6MmXi

— ABC7 Eyewitness News (@ABC7) November 9, 2023

Recall the Holocaust

US-based Israeli filmmaker Guy Nativ, who co-organizes the screening, told The Hollywood Reporter, "As a filmmaker, I swore that the October 7 photos would not be forgotten and the world would see them."

Nativ justified the guests' desire to keep their names secret, saying, "They are people with cinematic experience, so that we can show them this crazy document that reminds us of the films that were made about the Holocaust."

The plan is to offer one show initially to 120 spectators, with the possibility of more performances depending on the success of the premiere.

Israel's ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, arranged a video-like presentation for a select audience, including ambassadors and high-level diplomats.

Gadot leads campaign for prisoner release

Since the outbreak of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, Gadot, who served in the IDF as a sergeant between 2005 and 2007, has been leading the "Release the Hostages" campaign on X, formerly Twitter, using photos of Israeli prisoners among their families.

Some social media pages also promoted a rumor that Gadot had joined the IDF to participate in the war on Gaza, but the IDF page denied.

The Israeli actress participated with a number of Hollywood stars in signing a letter to US President Joe Biden demanding the release of Hamas prisoners.

The letter was initiated by a nonprofit called Creative Community for Peace, with the participation of Chris Payne, Amy Schumer, Mark Hamill and Jamie Lee Curtis, as well as Michael Douglas, Bella Thorne, Jerry Seinfeld and Sarah Silverman.

Israeli actress Gal Gadot as Queen Cleopatra (social media)

Support for the Israeli narrative declines

Although Jamie Lee Curtis and Sarah Silverman have been staunch supporters of Israel since October 7, 2023 on their Instagram account, things seem to have changed later given the horror of Israel's massacres.

American actress Curtis completely stopped supporting Tel Aviv and put up a leaflet calling for an end to the bombing accompanied by flags indicating each word, who it is meant for and who is responsible for it.

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American comedian Silverman, who comes from a Jewish family, completely stopped mentioning anything about the war on Gaza, and then stopped commenting on her videos a few days ago after Israeli supporters accused her of inaction and betrayal, while Gaza activists demand a clear position on the occupation and its crimes.

Portman and Israel's Racism

On the other hand, Israeli actress Natalie Portman called for the release of Hamas prisoners, without showing any support for the Israeli army.

Portman has previously criticized the Jewish State Law, calling Israel's nation-state law "racist."

In April 2018, Portman withdrew from an awards ceremony in Jerusalem.

The actress, who originally accepted the award, later said she was not ready to attend because she "didn't want to appear as a supporter of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu."

In an Instagram post, she said that "like many Israelis and Jews around the world, I can criticize the leadership in Israel without wanting to boycott the entire nation."

"I appreciate my Israeli friends and family, Israeli food, books, art, cinema, and dance, but the mistreatment of those suffering from the atrocities committed today is simply not in line with my Jewish values," she concluded.