It all started when the son tells his teacher that his mother hit him. When social services come to the school and talk to the boy, the assessment is made that both he and his sister are in need of protection.

The boy's injuries are documented and his sister also tells in interrogation about the mother's violence, which results in a conviction.

Couldn't sleep

During their time in the foster homes, the children, according to information provided to SVT Norrbotten, repeatedly showed signs of being traumatized and afraid of their parents.

A year after they were placed, a new caseworker decides that they should start spending time with their mother on a regular basis. Prior to one of the meetings, the daughter was unable to eat or sleep and had severe anxiety.

Mother's Campaign

The mother took to social media and claimed that social services take children without having the right to do so. She is leading a demonstration in October 2021 outside the town hall in Gällivare.

Less than a year after the verdict, the children are moved to new foster homes in Gällivare to have closer contact with their mother. The son was then reportedly in despair.

A short time after the children were moved to Gällivare, the municipality revoked the LVU decisions.

SVT has spoken to the chairman of the social welfare board in Gällivare who says that they will review the case and the torn LVU decision again.

In the clip above, you can see the boy's letter where he tells his story.