Earlier this week, all laying hens were euthanized at the country's largest egg producer CA Cedergren in Småland after repeated problems with salmonella. Now Expressen reports that salmonella has been discovered in the stable environment of a producer on Gotland.

No infection in the eggs has been confirmed, but the risk of disease is considered to exist. The Swedish Board of Agriculture has therefore decided that 30,000 hens on the farm should be culled.

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Is the bacterium rarer in other countries? Åsa Rosengren at the Swedish National Food Agency investigates the myths about salmonella. Photo: SVT/Storyblocks

Recalled as a precaution

Kronägg states that it is eggs from free-range hens indoors. For Axfood, the recall applies to Garant eggs from free-range hens indoors. Ica is recalling Ica eggs, Ica brunch eggs, Ica breakfast eggs and Ica Basic eggs.

For Lidl, this means eggs from free-range hens indoors with package sizes S-M.

For all of them, the recall applies to eggs with a best before date of 26 November with the stamp 2SE672-34 and 2SE672-35.

No eggs have been confirmed with salmonella infection, but they choose to recall the eggs as a precautionary measure, Kronägg writes in a press release.

Egg shortages due to the outbreaks

Kronägg's eggs are sold in Ica, Lidl, Willys, Hemköp and Martin och Servera's restaurant stores.

"The recalled products have been sold by most of Axfood's store chains and are now stopped for sale," Axfood writes in a press release, adding that no cases of illness have been reported so far.

The companies are urging consumers who have bought the eggs in question to return them to the store where they were purchased in the first instance for reimbursement.

The recalls come after it became clear earlier this week that CA Cedergren is forced to euthanize all of the plant's hens to deal with the salmonella infection. During the year, CA Cedergren had to culle 1.9 million laying hens due to salmonella.

For almost a year, there has been an egg shortage on and off due to the outbreaks.